What Does Mediation Look Like?
Mediation is a structured conversation and negotiation. The parties first meet separately with Dr. Earwicker. He explores each person's goals, ideals, and interests in detail. This helps structure mediation conversations. In some divorce mediations, parties opt to provide written position statements prior to the mediation, but that is not required. After meeting with the parties, Dr. Earwicker will schedule the mediation. Typically, the mediation occurs in separate rooms. In some cases (or upon request), Dr. Earwicker will bring the parties together in the same room, either virtually or in-person. In other cases, the parties will not meet face-to-face. Either way, Dr. Earwicker facilitates the discussion and structures the mediation to move the parties toward a negotiated solution. If the parties agree on one or more issues, Dr. Earwicker provides a written settlement agreement for the parties to review and sign. Any mediation agreement is completely voluntary and between the parties to the dispute.