Category: Hawaii

Mediación Honolulu en Español

Servicios De Mediación Honolulu Con Dr. Benjamin J. Earwicker, J.D., Ph.D.

Mediación Honolulu

Servicios de Mediación Honolulu con el Dr. Earwicker

Dr. Ben Earwicker provides expert mediation services, both online and remotely.

Conoce al Experto

El Dr. Ben Earwicker, J.D., Ph.D., brinda mediación experta, basándose en sus casi dos décadas de experiencia en resolución de conflictos y mediación. Ha mediado con éxito en docenas de disputas a través de su práctica privada nacional y la administración de un programa de mediación en todo el estado a través de la Comisión de Derechos Humanos de Idaho.

¿Por qué mediar con el Dr. Earwicker?

El enfoque empático de Ben para la resolución de conflictos asegura el mejor potencial para llegar a un acuerdo y descubrir una forma de superar el conflicto. Sabe cómo navegar disputas complejas, técnicas y emocionalmente cargadas en casi cualquier contexto, desde disputas laborales y laborales hasta conflictos familiares y de divorcio, contratos y negociaciones corporativas. Ben ha ayudado a muchas partes a alcanzar resultados mutuamente aceptables a través de sus servicios expertos de mediación y resolución de disputas.

Comuníquese con el Dr. Earwicker hoy y apóyese en la experiencia de Ben para ayudarlo a resolver su conflicto.

Nuestra Solución para su Resolución de Conflictos

El conflicto viene en todas las formas y tamaños. Pero en esencia, todo conflicto representa una enorme pérdida de tiempo, dinero, energía y otros recursos. Y a pesar de que su instinto puede ser luchar para resolverlo, las costosas batallas legales y los conflictos no resueltos pueden prolongarse durante años sin un final a la vista..

El costo del conflicto es enorme.

Piense en el costo de su conflicto. A pesar de que usted puede estar en el lado correcto de la situación, no hay garantía de que pueda convencer a la otra parte de eso. De hecho, el conflicto tiende a polarizar posiciones y empeorar las cosas con el tiempo. Luchar para ganar es agotador y eventualmente pasa factura.  

Ahí es donde la mediación puede ayudar.

Bien hecha, la mediación ofrece una nueva perspectiva desde un tercero neutral. Con la mediación, finalmente puede encontrar una manera de resolver su conflicto con un facilitador capacitado que sabe cómo ayudar en una negociación productiva y el proceso de resolución de conflictos. 

Utilice nuestra experiencia para “desatascarse”.

No hay nada peor que sentirse atrapado en un conflicto del que no puede escapar. Incluso si tiene los medios para pelear en la corte o llevar el conflicto hasta el final amargo, rara vez vale la pena.

Nosotros podemos ayudar.

Hable con nosotros hoy sobre cómo nuestros servicios de mediación pueden ayudarlo a avanzar más rápidamente a través de su conflicto hacia la resolución y el arreglo.

Deja este conflicto atrás, de una vez por todas.

Resuelva su conflicto - Contáctenos - Mediación Honolulu

Elija al Dr. Earwicker para su Mediación Honolulu

Mediación Honolulu

Supere su Conflicto - Servicios de Mediación Honolulu

Cuando está envuelto en un conflicto, puedes sentir que nunca podrá seguir adelante. Pero un mediador hábil puede ayudarlo a superar el estancamiento y encontrar el camino a seguir. Es bueno tener un mediador neutral externo para ayudar a ver las cosas de manera diferente. El Dr. Earwicker puede ayudar a las partes con un diálogo significativo, una negociación intencional y soluciones bien pensadas incluso para las disputas más difíciles.

No permita que los conflictos consuman más de su tiempo y energía. Invierta en soluciones con un mediador capacitado y experimentado. Nadie puede garantizar el éxito en la mediación, pero trabajar con un mediador experto es el mejor punto de partida para el proceso de negociación.

Tenemos las herramientas que necesita para abordar su conflicto y trabajar hacia la resolución. No existe una bala de plata para resolver disputas, pero el Dr. Earwicker tiene las habilidades y la experiencia para mejorar sus posibilidades de resolver finalmente su conflicto.

Contáctenos hoy para programar su mediación en Honolulu.

Mediación Hawaii

El sitio web de las Cortes de Hawaii brinda excelente información y recursos sobre la mediación en Hawaii, incluso una página dedicada a la resolución de disputas por las cortes de Hawaii.

Las cortes también ofrecen una página con información de Centros Comunitarios de Mediación en cada isla. Sus páginas también brindan excelente información y recursos sobre la mediación en Hawaii, incluso artículos e información sobre la mediación.

No existen requisitos de certificación estatal o federal para mediar en Hawaii. Sin embargo, la mediación ordenada por la corte puede tener ciertos requisitos, los que puede ver en esta lista completa de requisitos estatales para los mediadores de la corte.

Al elegir un mediador, desea evaluar la experiencia, las credenciales y las áreas de especialización del mediador para asegurarse de que se le cae bien y que pueda ayudar con el conflicto que está tratando de resolver.

¿Cuánto Costará la Mediación?

Los precios incluyen todos los servicios de mediación, desde la consulta previa a la convocatoria hasta el trabajo de resolución posterior a la mediación.

Consultación Inicial

$ 99 Tarifa única
  • 60 Minutos
  • La consulta cubre el alcance del conflicto y los objetivos de todas las partes involucradas
  • Sin obligación de continuar con la mediación virtual
  • Discuta su situación en profundidad

Tarifa por Hora

para tarifas y una estimación personalizada
  • Tarifas competitivas
  • El total de horas de mediación depende del alcance del conflicto
  • La facturación se puede dividir
  • Programación conveniente


¿Cómo es la mediación?

La mediación es una conversación estructurada y una negociación. Las partes primero se reúnen por separado con el Dr. Earwicker. Explora en detalle las metas, ideales e intereses de cada persona. Esto ayuda a estructurar las conversaciones de mediación. En algunas mediaciones, las partes optan por proporcionar declaraciones de posición por escrito antes de la mediación, pero eso no es obligatorio. Después de reunirse con las partes, el Dr. Earwicker programará la mediación. Por lo general, la mediación ocurre en salas separadas. En algunos casos (o previa solicitud), el Dr. Earwicker reunirá a las partes en la misma sala, ya sea virtualmente o en persona. En otros casos, las partes no se encontrarán cara a cara. De cualquier manera, el Dr. Earwicker facilita la discusión y estructura la mediación para llevar a las partes hacia una solución negociada. Si las partes están de acuerdo en uno o más temas, el Dr. Earwicker proporciona un acuerdo de conciliación por escrito para que las partes lo revisen y firmen. Cualquier acuerdo de mediación es completamente voluntario y entre las partes en disputa.

¿Tengo que ver a la otra parte cara a cara?

En cualquier mediación, no se requiere contacto cara a cara para una mediación exitosa. A veces puede ser beneficioso convocar una sesión conjunta con todas las partes en una sala (ya sea virtualmente o en persona). En otras ocasiones, dependiendo del contexto del conflicto, la interacción cara a cara puede no ser deseable o justificada. En última instancia, depende de las partes decidir si se reúnen o no cara a cara. Esto es cierto ya sea que los servicios de mediación se brinden virtualmente o en persona.

¿La mediación es vinculante?

A diferencia del arbitraje (donde un árbitro emite una decisión vinculante sobre los hechos del caso), la mediación no da como resultado una decisión vinculante del mediador. Las partes en una mediación son las que deciden si convienen en uno o más asuntos. Solo ellos pueden "vincular" a la otra parte de mutuo acuerdo. De esta manera, un acuerdo de resolución de mediación entre las partes puede ser vinculante como un contrato entre ellas. Pero el trabajo del mediador no es tomar una decisión. Mejor dicho, el mediador facilita las discusiones entre las partes y las ayuda a llegar a una solución acordada.

¿Necesito un/a abogado/a para mediar?

La contratación de un/a abogado/a no es un requisito previo para la mediación. Al mismo tiempo, siempre puede contratar a un/a abogado/a que lo represente a usted y sus intereses en la mediación. Recuerde que el mediador es una parte neutral y no representa a ninguna de las partes en la disputa. Por lo tanto, puede optar por buscar representación legal si quiere a alguien que pueda representarlo a usted y sus intereses. Sin embargo, en última instancia, el éxito de la mediación depende de la voluntad de las partes de participar de buena fe y trabajar para encontrar soluciones. Contratar a un/a abogado/a puede o no promover esos objetivos.

¿Cuánto dura la mediación?

La duración de la mediación depende del número y la complejidad de los asuntos tratados. Algunas mediaciones con problemas bastante sencillos se pueden realizar en unas pocas horas. La mayoría de las mediaciones de divorcio tardan entre 10 y 15 horas en completarse, incluido el trabajo previo a la mediación con las partes, la mediación en sí y el trabajo de resolución posterior a la mediación. Algunas mediaciones con asuntos más complejos, más de dos partes u otros asuntos legales pendientes pueden tomar más tiempo. Sin embargo, en promedio, la planificación de 10 horas de mediación es una estimación razonable.

¿Debería mediar mi propia disputa para ahorrar tiempo y dinero?

Las mediaciones son como cualquier otro servicio profesional: le conviene contratar a un mediador capacitado y experimentado como el Dr. Earwicker para navegar por las complejidades de las negociaciones y la resolución de conflictos. Es de gran valor contratar a un tercero neutral, el mediador, para ayudar con el proceso de resolución de conflictos. Un mediador capacitado y experimentado puede navegar hábilmente dinámicas interpersonales, psicológicas y transaccionales complejas. Un neutral experto aporta una nueva perspectiva y una evaluación desapasionada de la situación. Esta opinión de terceros, especialmente cuando se combina con experiencia y habilidad, es una parte invaluable del proceso de mediación.

¿Es la mediación virtual tan buena como la mediación en persona?

Los avances tecnológicos han hecho posible replicar la eficacia de los servicios de mediación en persona en formatos remotos, en línea y virtuales. Algunas personas prefieren el formato en persona debido a la posibilidad de estar en la misma habitación con la otra parte o partes en disputa. Esto puede ser cierto para cualquier tipo de disputa, desde mediaciones de divorcio hasta negociaciones de contratos y disputas laborales. Sin embargo, todas las dinámicas de una mediación efectiva (incluyendo "caucus" separados y "conferencias" conjuntas) se replican fácilmente en plataformas virtuales. La mediación virtual también puede ahorrar tiempo y dinero, porque no hay costos de transporte y las partes en diferentes lugares no tienen que negociar la ubicación de una mediación en persona. En resumen, la mediación virtual puede ser tan efectiva como los servicios de mediación en persona. La transmisión de video en vivo y otras tecnologías en línea hacen que la mediación virtual sea tan efectiva como las contrapartes en persona.

Mediación Hilo en Español

Servicios De Mediación Hilo Con Dr. Benjamin J. Earwicker, J.D., Ph.D.

Mediación Hilo

Servicios de Mediación Hilo con el Dr. Earwicker

Dr. Ben Earwicker provides expert mediation services, both online and remotely.

Conoce al Experto

El Dr. Ben Earwicker, J.D., Ph.D., brinda mediación experta, basándose en sus casi dos décadas de experiencia en resolución de conflictos y mediación. Ha mediado con éxito en docenas de disputas a través de su práctica privada nacional y la administración de un programa de mediación en todo el estado a través de la Comisión de Derechos Humanos de Idaho.

¿Por qué mediar con el Dr. Earwicker?

El enfoque empático de Ben para la resolución de conflictos asegura el mejor potencial para llegar a un acuerdo y descubrir una forma de superar el conflicto. Sabe cómo navegar disputas complejas, técnicas y emocionalmente cargadas en casi cualquier contexto, desde disputas laborales y laborales hasta conflictos familiares y de divorcio, contratos y negociaciones corporativas. Ben ha ayudado a muchas partes a alcanzar resultados mutuamente aceptables a través de sus servicios expertos de mediación y resolución de disputas.

Comuníquese con el Dr. Earwicker hoy y apóyese en la experiencia de Ben para ayudarlo a resolver su conflicto.

Nuestra Solución para su Resolución de Conflictos

El conflicto viene en todas las formas y tamaños. Pero en esencia, todo conflicto representa una enorme pérdida de tiempo, dinero, energía y otros recursos. Y a pesar de que su instinto puede ser luchar para resolverlo, las costosas batallas legales y los conflictos no resueltos pueden prolongarse durante años sin un final a la vista..

El costo del conflicto es enorme.

Piense en el costo de su conflicto. A pesar de que usted puede estar en el lado correcto de la situación, no hay garantía de que pueda convencer a la otra parte de eso. De hecho, el conflicto tiende a polarizar posiciones y empeorar las cosas con el tiempo. Luchar para ganar es agotador y eventualmente pasa factura.  

Ahí es donde la mediación puede ayudar.

Bien hecha, la mediación ofrece una nueva perspectiva desde un tercero neutral. Con la mediación, finalmente puede encontrar una manera de resolver su conflicto con un facilitador capacitado que sabe cómo ayudar en una negociación productiva y el proceso de resolución de conflictos. 

Utilice nuestra experiencia para “desatascarse”.

No hay nada peor que sentirse atrapado en un conflicto del que no puede escapar. Incluso si tiene los medios para pelear en la corte o llevar el conflicto hasta el final amargo, rara vez vale la pena.

Nosotros podemos ayudar.

Hable con nosotros hoy sobre cómo nuestros servicios de mediación pueden ayudarlo a avanzar más rápidamente a través de su conflicto hacia la resolución y el arreglo.

Deja este conflicto atrás, de una vez por todas.

Resuelva su conflicto - Contáctenos - Mediación Hilo

Elija al Dr. Earwicker para su Mediación Hilo

Mediación Hilo

Supere su Conflicto - Servicios de Mediación Hilo

Cuando está envuelto en un conflicto, puedes sentir que nunca podrá seguir adelante. Pero un mediador hábil puede ayudarlo a superar el estancamiento y encontrar el camino a seguir. Es bueno tener un mediador neutral externo para ayudar a ver las cosas de manera diferente. El Dr. Earwicker puede ayudar a las partes con un diálogo significativo, una negociación intencional y soluciones bien pensadas incluso para las disputas más difíciles.

No permita que los conflictos consuman más de su tiempo y energía. Invierta en soluciones con un mediador capacitado y experimentado. Nadie puede garantizar el éxito en la mediación, pero trabajar con un mediador experto es el mejor punto de partida para el proceso de negociación.

Tenemos las herramientas que necesita para abordar su conflicto y trabajar hacia la resolución. No existe una bala de plata para resolver disputas, pero el Dr. Earwicker tiene las habilidades y la experiencia para mejorar sus posibilidades de resolver finalmente su conflicto.

Contáctenos hoy para programar su mediación en Hilo.

Mediación Hawaii

El sitio web de las Cortes de Hawaii brinda excelente información y recursos sobre la mediación en Hawaii, incluso una página dedicada a la resolución de disputas por las cortes de Hawaii.

Las cortes también ofrecen una página con información de Centros Comunitarios de Mediación en cada isla. Sus páginas también brindan excelente información y recursos sobre la mediación en Hawaii, incluso artículos e información sobre la mediación.

No existen requisitos de certificación estatal o federal para mediar en Hawaii. Sin embargo, la mediación ordenada por la corte puede tener ciertos requisitos, los que puede ver en esta lista completa de requisitos estatales para los mediadores de la corte.

Al elegir un mediador, desea evaluar la experiencia, las credenciales y las áreas de especialización del mediador para asegurarse de que se le cae bien y que pueda ayudar con el conflicto que está tratando de resolver.

¿Cuánto Costará la Mediación?

Los precios incluyen todos los servicios de mediación, desde la consulta previa a la convocatoria hasta el trabajo de resolución posterior a la mediación.

Consultación Inicial

$ 99 Tarifa única
  • 60 Minutos
  • La consulta cubre el alcance del conflicto y los objetivos de todas las partes involucradas
  • Sin obligación de continuar con la mediación virtual
  • Discuta su situación en profundidad

Tarifa por Hora

para tarifas y una estimación personalizada
  • Tarifas competitivas
  • El total de horas de mediación depende del alcance del conflicto
  • La facturación se puede dividir
  • Programación conveniente


¿Cómo es la mediación?

La mediación es una conversación estructurada y una negociación. Las partes primero se reúnen por separado con el Dr. Earwicker. Explora en detalle las metas, ideales e intereses de cada persona. Esto ayuda a estructurar las conversaciones de mediación. En algunas mediaciones, las partes optan por proporcionar declaraciones de posición por escrito antes de la mediación, pero eso no es obligatorio. Después de reunirse con las partes, el Dr. Earwicker programará la mediación. Por lo general, la mediación ocurre en salas separadas. En algunos casos (o previa solicitud), el Dr. Earwicker reunirá a las partes en la misma sala, ya sea virtualmente o en persona. En otros casos, las partes no se encontrarán cara a cara. De cualquier manera, el Dr. Earwicker facilita la discusión y estructura la mediación para llevar a las partes hacia una solución negociada. Si las partes están de acuerdo en uno o más temas, el Dr. Earwicker proporciona un acuerdo de conciliación por escrito para que las partes lo revisen y firmen. Cualquier acuerdo de mediación es completamente voluntario y entre las partes en disputa.

¿Tengo que ver a la otra parte cara a cara?

En cualquier mediación, no se requiere contacto cara a cara para una mediación exitosa. A veces puede ser beneficioso convocar una sesión conjunta con todas las partes en una sala (ya sea virtualmente o en persona). En otras ocasiones, dependiendo del contexto del conflicto, la interacción cara a cara puede no ser deseable o justificada. En última instancia, depende de las partes decidir si se reúnen o no cara a cara. Esto es cierto ya sea que los servicios de mediación se brinden virtualmente o en persona.

¿La mediación es vinculante?

A diferencia del arbitraje (donde un árbitro emite una decisión vinculante sobre los hechos del caso), la mediación no da como resultado una decisión vinculante del mediador. Las partes en una mediación son las que deciden si convienen en uno o más asuntos. Solo ellos pueden "vincular" a la otra parte de mutuo acuerdo. De esta manera, un acuerdo de resolución de mediación entre las partes puede ser vinculante como un contrato entre ellas. Pero el trabajo del mediador no es tomar una decisión. Mejor dicho, el mediador facilita las discusiones entre las partes y las ayuda a llegar a una solución acordada.

¿Necesito un/a abogado/a para mediar?

La contratación de un/a abogado/a no es un requisito previo para la mediación. Al mismo tiempo, siempre puede contratar a un/a abogado/a que lo represente a usted y sus intereses en la mediación. Recuerde que el mediador es una parte neutral y no representa a ninguna de las partes en la disputa. Por lo tanto, puede optar por buscar representación legal si quiere a alguien que pueda representarlo a usted y sus intereses. Sin embargo, en última instancia, el éxito de la mediación depende de la voluntad de las partes de participar de buena fe y trabajar para encontrar soluciones. Contratar a un/a abogado/a puede o no promover esos objetivos.

¿Cuánto dura la mediación?

La duración de la mediación depende del número y la complejidad de los asuntos tratados. Algunas mediaciones con problemas bastante sencillos se pueden realizar en unas pocas horas. La mayoría de las mediaciones de divorcio tardan entre 10 y 15 horas en completarse, incluido el trabajo previo a la mediación con las partes, la mediación en sí y el trabajo de resolución posterior a la mediación. Algunas mediaciones con asuntos más complejos, más de dos partes u otros asuntos legales pendientes pueden tomar más tiempo. Sin embargo, en promedio, la planificación de 10 horas de mediación es una estimación razonable.

¿Debería mediar mi propia disputa para ahorrar tiempo y dinero?

Las mediaciones son como cualquier otro servicio profesional: le conviene contratar a un mediador capacitado y experimentado como el Dr. Earwicker para navegar por las complejidades de las negociaciones y la resolución de conflictos. Es de gran valor contratar a un tercero neutral, el mediador, para ayudar con el proceso de resolución de conflictos. Un mediador capacitado y experimentado puede navegar hábilmente dinámicas interpersonales, psicológicas y transaccionales complejas. Un neutral experto aporta una nueva perspectiva y una evaluación desapasionada de la situación. Esta opinión de terceros, especialmente cuando se combina con experiencia y habilidad, es una parte invaluable del proceso de mediación.

¿Es la mediación virtual tan buena como la mediación en persona?

Los avances tecnológicos han hecho posible replicar la eficacia de los servicios de mediación en persona en formatos remotos, en línea y virtuales. Algunas personas prefieren el formato en persona debido a la posibilidad de estar en la misma habitación con la otra parte o partes en disputa. Esto puede ser cierto para cualquier tipo de disputa, desde mediaciones de divorcio hasta negociaciones de contratos y disputas laborales. Sin embargo, todas las dinámicas de una mediación efectiva (incluyendo "caucus" separados y "conferencias" conjuntas) se replican fácilmente en plataformas virtuales. La mediación virtual también puede ahorrar tiempo y dinero, porque no hay costos de transporte y las partes en diferentes lugares no tienen que negociar la ubicación de una mediación en persona. En resumen, la mediación virtual puede ser tan efectiva como los servicios de mediación en persona. La transmisión de video en vivo y otras tecnologías en línea hacen que la mediación virtual sea tan efectiva como las contrapartes en persona.

Mediación Hawaii en Español

Servicios De Mediación Hawaii Con Dr. Benjamin J. Earwicker, J.D., Ph.D.

Mediación Hawaii

Servicios de Mediación Hawaii con el Dr. Earwicker

Dr. Ben Earwicker provides expert mediation services, both online and remotely.

Conoce al Experto

El Dr. Ben Earwicker, J.D., Ph.D., brinda mediación experta, basándose en sus casi dos décadas de experiencia en resolución de conflictos y mediación. Ha mediado con éxito en docenas de disputas a través de su práctica privada nacional y la administración de un programa de mediación en todo el estado a través de la Comisión de Derechos Humanos de Idaho.

¿Por qué mediar con el Dr. Earwicker?

El enfoque empático de Ben para la resolución de conflictos asegura el mejor potencial para llegar a un acuerdo y descubrir una forma de superar el conflicto. Sabe cómo navegar disputas complejas, técnicas y emocionalmente cargadas en casi cualquier contexto, desde disputas laborales y laborales hasta conflictos familiares y de divorcio, contratos y negociaciones corporativas. Ben ha ayudado a muchas partes a alcanzar resultados mutuamente aceptables a través de sus servicios expertos de mediación y resolución de disputas.

Comuníquese con el Dr. Earwicker hoy y apóyese en la experiencia de Ben para ayudarlo a resolver su conflicto.

Nuestra Solución para su Resolución de Conflictos

El conflicto viene en todas las formas y tamaños. Pero en esencia, todo conflicto representa una enorme pérdida de tiempo, dinero, energía y otros recursos. Y a pesar de que su instinto puede ser luchar para resolverlo, las costosas batallas legales y los conflictos no resueltos pueden prolongarse durante años sin un final a la vista..

El costo del conflicto es enorme.

Piense en el costo de su conflicto. A pesar de que usted puede estar en el lado correcto de la situación, no hay garantía de que pueda convencer a la otra parte de eso. De hecho, el conflicto tiende a polarizar posiciones y empeorar las cosas con el tiempo. Luchar para ganar es agotador y eventualmente pasa factura.  

Ahí es donde la mediación puede ayudar.

Bien hecha, la mediación ofrece una nueva perspectiva desde un tercero neutral. Con la mediación, finalmente puede encontrar una manera de resolver su conflicto con un facilitador capacitado que sabe cómo ayudar en una negociación productiva y el proceso de resolución de conflictos. 

Utilice nuestra experiencia para “desatascarse”.

No hay nada peor que sentirse atrapado en un conflicto del que no puede escapar. Incluso si tiene los medios para pelear en la corte o llevar el conflicto hasta el final amargo, rara vez vale la pena.

Nosotros podemos ayudar.

Hable con nosotros hoy sobre cómo nuestros servicios de mediación pueden ayudarlo a avanzar más rápidamente a través de su conflicto hacia la resolución y el arreglo.

Deja este conflicto atrás, de una vez por todas.

Resuelva su conflicto - Contáctenos - Mediación Hawaii

Elija al Dr. Earwicker para su Mediación Hawaii

Mediación Hawaii

Supere su Conflicto - Servicios de Mediación Hawaii

Cuando está envuelto en un conflicto, puedes sentir que nunca podrá seguir adelante. Pero un mediador hábil puede ayudarlo a superar el estancamiento y encontrar el camino a seguir. Es bueno tener un mediador neutral externo para ayudar a ver las cosas de manera diferente. El Dr. Earwicker puede ayudar a las partes con un diálogo significativo, una negociación intencional y soluciones bien pensadas incluso para las disputas más difíciles.

No permita que los conflictos consuman más de su tiempo y energía. Invierta en soluciones con un mediador capacitado y experimentado. Nadie puede garantizar el éxito en la mediación, pero trabajar con un mediador experto es el mejor punto de partida para el proceso de negociación.

Tenemos las herramientas que necesita para abordar su conflicto y trabajar hacia la resolución. No existe una bala de plata para resolver disputas, pero el Dr. Earwicker tiene las habilidades y la experiencia para mejorar sus posibilidades de resolver finalmente su conflicto.

Contáctenos hoy para programar su mediación en Hawaii.

Mediación Hawaii

El sitio web de las Cortes de Hawaii brinda excelente información y recursos sobre la mediación en Hawaii, incluso una página dedicada a la resolución de disputas por las cortes de Hawaii.

Las cortes también ofrecen una página con información de Centros Comunitarios de Mediación en cada isla. Sus páginas también brindan excelente información y recursos sobre la mediación en Hawaii, incluso artículos e información sobre la mediación.

No existen requisitos de certificación estatal o federal para mediar en Hawaii. Sin embargo, la mediación ordenada por la corte puede tener ciertos requisitos, los que puede ver en esta lista completa de requisitos estatales para los mediadores de la corte.

Al elegir un mediador, desea evaluar la experiencia, las credenciales y las áreas de especialización del mediador para asegurarse de que se le cae bien y que pueda ayudar con el conflicto que está tratando de resolver.

¿Cuánto Costará la Mediación?

Los precios incluyen todos los servicios de mediación, desde la consulta previa a la convocatoria hasta el trabajo de resolución posterior a la mediación.

Consultación Inicial

$ 99 Tarifa única
  • 60 Minutos
  • La consulta cubre el alcance del conflicto y los objetivos de todas las partes involucradas
  • Sin obligación de continuar con la mediación virtual
  • Discuta su situación en profundidad

Tarifa por Hora

para tarifas y una estimación personalizada
  • Tarifas competitivas
  • El total de horas de mediación depende del alcance del conflicto
  • La facturación se puede dividir
  • Programación conveniente


¿Cómo es la mediación?

La mediación es una conversación estructurada y una negociación. Las partes primero se reúnen por separado con el Dr. Earwicker. Explora en detalle las metas, ideales e intereses de cada persona. Esto ayuda a estructurar las conversaciones de mediación. En algunas mediaciones, las partes optan por proporcionar declaraciones de posición por escrito antes de la mediación, pero eso no es obligatorio. Después de reunirse con las partes, el Dr. Earwicker programará la mediación. Por lo general, la mediación ocurre en salas separadas. En algunos casos (o previa solicitud), el Dr. Earwicker reunirá a las partes en la misma sala, ya sea virtualmente o en persona. En otros casos, las partes no se encontrarán cara a cara. De cualquier manera, el Dr. Earwicker facilita la discusión y estructura la mediación para llevar a las partes hacia una solución negociada. Si las partes están de acuerdo en uno o más temas, el Dr. Earwicker proporciona un acuerdo de conciliación por escrito para que las partes lo revisen y firmen. Cualquier acuerdo de mediación es completamente voluntario y entre las partes en disputa.

¿Tengo que ver a la otra parte cara a cara?

En cualquier mediación, no se requiere contacto cara a cara para una mediación exitosa. A veces puede ser beneficioso convocar una sesión conjunta con todas las partes en una sala (ya sea virtualmente o en persona). En otras ocasiones, dependiendo del contexto del conflicto, la interacción cara a cara puede no ser deseable o justificada. En última instancia, depende de las partes decidir si se reúnen o no cara a cara. Esto es cierto ya sea que los servicios de mediación se brinden virtualmente o en persona.

¿La mediación es vinculante?

A diferencia del arbitraje (donde un árbitro emite una decisión vinculante sobre los hechos del caso), la mediación no da como resultado una decisión vinculante del mediador. Las partes en una mediación son las que deciden si convienen en uno o más asuntos. Solo ellos pueden "vincular" a la otra parte de mutuo acuerdo. De esta manera, un acuerdo de resolución de mediación entre las partes puede ser vinculante como un contrato entre ellas. Pero el trabajo del mediador no es tomar una decisión. Mejor dicho, el mediador facilita las discusiones entre las partes y las ayuda a llegar a una solución acordada.

¿Necesito un/a abogado/a para mediar?

La contratación de un/a abogado/a no es un requisito previo para la mediación. Al mismo tiempo, siempre puede contratar a un/a abogado/a que lo represente a usted y sus intereses en la mediación. Recuerde que el mediador es una parte neutral y no representa a ninguna de las partes en la disputa. Por lo tanto, puede optar por buscar representación legal si quiere a alguien que pueda representarlo a usted y sus intereses. Sin embargo, en última instancia, el éxito de la mediación depende de la voluntad de las partes de participar de buena fe y trabajar para encontrar soluciones. Contratar a un/a abogado/a puede o no promover esos objetivos.

¿Cuánto dura la mediación?

La duración de la mediación depende del número y la complejidad de los asuntos tratados. Algunas mediaciones con problemas bastante sencillos se pueden realizar en unas pocas horas. La mayoría de las mediaciones de divorcio tardan entre 10 y 15 horas en completarse, incluido el trabajo previo a la mediación con las partes, la mediación en sí y el trabajo de resolución posterior a la mediación. Algunas mediaciones con asuntos más complejos, más de dos partes u otros asuntos legales pendientes pueden tomar más tiempo. Sin embargo, en promedio, la planificación de 10 horas de mediación es una estimación razonable.

¿Debería mediar mi propia disputa para ahorrar tiempo y dinero?

Las mediaciones son como cualquier otro servicio profesional: le conviene contratar a un mediador capacitado y experimentado como el Dr. Earwicker para navegar por las complejidades de las negociaciones y la resolución de conflictos. Es de gran valor contratar a un tercero neutral, el mediador, para ayudar con el proceso de resolución de conflictos. Un mediador capacitado y experimentado puede navegar hábilmente dinámicas interpersonales, psicológicas y transaccionales complejas. Un neutral experto aporta una nueva perspectiva y una evaluación desapasionada de la situación. Esta opinión de terceros, especialmente cuando se combina con experiencia y habilidad, es una parte invaluable del proceso de mediación.

¿Es la mediación virtual tan buena como la mediación en persona?

Los avances tecnológicos han hecho posible replicar la eficacia de los servicios de mediación en persona en formatos remotos, en línea y virtuales. Algunas personas prefieren el formato en persona debido a la posibilidad de estar en la misma habitación con la otra parte o partes en disputa. Esto puede ser cierto para cualquier tipo de disputa, desde mediaciones de divorcio hasta negociaciones de contratos y disputas laborales. Sin embargo, todas las dinámicas de una mediación efectiva (incluyendo "caucus" separados y "conferencias" conjuntas) se replican fácilmente en plataformas virtuales. La mediación virtual también puede ahorrar tiempo y dinero, porque no hay costos de transporte y las partes en diferentes lugares no tienen que negociar la ubicación de una mediación en persona. En resumen, la mediación virtual puede ser tan efectiva como los servicios de mediación en persona. La transmisión de video en vivo y otras tecnologías en línea hacen que la mediación virtual sea tan efectiva como las contrapartes en persona.

Expert Pearl City Employment Mediation

Expert Pearl City Employment Mediation

Pearl City Employment Mediation

Employment and labor disputes are complicated.

Our Pearl City Employment Mediation Can Help

A diverse group of smiling professionals. Contact virtual mediation today to discuss and schedule confidential mediation services with Dr. Ben Earwicker, J.D., Ph.D.

For employees, conflict with coworkers, supervisors, or customers can affect performance, workplace satisfaction, and overall mental health.

For businesses, non-profit organizations, and government agencies, addressing liability and fighting lawsuits can drain scarce resources and directly impact financial solvency.

It can be difficult for owners, managers, supervisors, and human resources professionals to master overlapping and sometimes conflicting state and federal laws that apply to the workplace. City, county, and other municipal ordinances can further complicate workplace requirements and business, organizational, or agency policies and practices.

Resolving Conflict isn't Easy

As a supervisor, manager, or owner, have you tried unsuccessfully to resolve disputes in these and other workplace situations? Have you spent an extraordinary amount of time putting out fires and trying to deal with interpersonal conflicts, complaints, and litigation? Do you need support and expertise from a neutral third party skilled in negotiated settlements, conflict resolution, and dispute mediation?

As an employee, have you experienced conflict with coworkers, managers, supervisors, or business owners? Are you looking for a way to resolve the conflict without having to quit and start over somewhere else? Do you need someone outside of your organization to help resolve the dispute?

Our expert employment, labor, and workplace mediation services offer all this and more.

Conflict can develop in any area of business or agency operations:

  • Recruitment, hiring, and retention.
  • Training and promotional opportunities.
  • Efforts to boost productivity and efficiency.
  • Collective bargaining.
  • Workers compensation.
  • FMLA leave.
  • The interactive process and reasonable disability accommodations.
  • Title VII, ADA, ADEA, and state discrimination laws.
  • Religious accommodations and disputes between employees.
  • Discipline, demotion, suspension, termination.
  • Unemployment and unemployment insurance.
  • Civil lawsuits and administrative filings of discrimination.

In each of these areas, there is potential for misunderstanding, frustration, and conflict. If you’ve experienced conflict in any of these areas and have not been able to resolve the issues you are facing, contact us to learn how mediation can help. 

Mediation Can Help

A diverse group of smiling professionals. Contact virtual mediation today to discuss and schedule confidential mediation services with Dr. Ben Earwicker, J.D., Ph.D.

Here’s what you can expect with our employment mediation services:

  • Early consultation to understand the scope of the issues;
  • Development of an agenda and a step-by-step approach to addressing the conflict in mediation;
  • Confidential mediation sessions with impacted parties, with separate and/or joint sessions, depending on the nature of the conflict, the individuals involved, and confidentiality considerations;
  • Expert mediation facilitation with the goal of resolving each of the issues to the satisfaction of all parties involved;
  • Drafting of a written agreement between the parties for each of the issues resolved through mediation.

Contact us today to discuss your options for resolving workplace, labor, and employment conflicts with our expert Pearl City employment mediation.

Pearl City Employment Mediation

Our Solution for your Conflict Resolution

Dr. Earwicker's Mediation Services

Dr. Ben Earwicker provides expert mediation services, both online and remotely.

Meet the Expert

Dr. Ben Earwicker, M.Int.St., J.D., Ph.D., provides expert mediation & consulting to individuals, couples, businesses & organizations, drawing on his decades of experience with conflict resolution, mediation, employment law, education, and more. He has successfully mediated and adjudicated thousands of disputes through his national private practice and administration of a state-wide mediation and law enforcement agency, the Idaho Human Rights Commission.

Why Mediate with Dr. Earwicker?

Ben’s empathetic approach to conflict resolution ensures the best potential for reaching agreement and discovering a way through conflict. He knows how to navigate complex, technical, and emotionally-charged disputes in almost any context, from employment and labor disputes to family and divorce conflicts to contracts and corporate negotiations. Ben has helped many parties reach mutually-acceptable outcomes through his expert mediation and dispute resolution services.

Contact Dr. Earwicker today, and lean on Ben’s expertise to help resolve your conflict.

Your Conflict Resolution Solution

Conflict comes in all shapes and sizes. But at its core, all conflict represents a huge drain of time, money, energy, and other resources. And even though your instinct may be to fight it out, costly legal battles and unresolved conflict can drag on for years with no end in sight.

The cost of conflict is enormous.

Think about the cost of your conflict. Even though you might be on the right side of the situation, there’s no guarantee you can convince the other party of that. In fact, conflict tends to polarize positions and make things even worse over time. Fighting to win is exhausting, and it eventually takes its toll.  

That’s where my mediation and consulting can help.

Done right, mediation offers a fresh perspective from a neutral third-party. With mediation, you can finally find a way through your conflict with a skilled facilitator who knows how to assist in a productive negotiation and the conflict resolution process. 

Use my expertise to get “unstuck.”

There’s nothing worse than feeling stuck in a conflict you can’t escape. Even if you have the means to fight it out in court or see the conflict through to the bitter end, it’s rarely worth it.

I can help.

Talk with me today about how my mediation services can help you move more quickly through your conflict toward resolution and settlement. 

Put this conflict behind you, once and for all.

Employment & Labor Mediation in Hawaii

Employment mediation in Hawaii can help resolve any labor dispute

Sometimes, workplace interactions can take a turn for the worse. Whether you’re dealing with interpersonal conflict, personnel issues, contract and labor disputes, discrimination complaints, or any other employment issue, mediation can provide a way forward. The situation doesn’t have to keep escalating; you can work with a neutral, third-party mediator to help resolve the conflict and create a fresh start.

Employment & Labor Resources in Hawaii

As in other states, private and public employers in Hawaii are required to comply with both state and federal employment laws for everything from overtime pay to Family Medical Leave Act leave and disability accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act.  Employees and employers in the state have a number of resources for navigating issues in the workplace.

The Hawaii Department of Labor and Industrial Relations operates as the state equivalent of the U.S. Department of Labor (USDOL) that provides oversight of wage and hour issues. (To compare state and federal regulations, for example, you can view state policies on minimum wage and other workplace information on the USDOL site). The Department also provides economic data and resources to employers in the state. 

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), a federal agency, provides resources, information, and guidance to employers and employees in Hawaii. The EEOC also investigates and adjudicates discrimination complaints in the state. The Hawaii Civil Rights Commission operates in the state as a Fair Employment Practice Agency (FEPA). A state or local FEPA enforces state anti-discrimination laws and often has a workshare agreement in place with the federal EEOC so they can work together to process state and federal complaints at the same time.

Mediation Solutions in Hawaii

Whether you are an employee, manager, or employer, you can access the benefits of mediation. to resolve workplace conflict. Mediation can help you address any type of labor and employment dispute, at any stage of conflict. Contact us today to discuss our mediation services and how we can best meet your mediation needs.

How Much Will Mediation Cost?

Prices include all mediation services, from pre-convening consultation through post-mediation settlement work.

Initial Consultation

Free No Obligation Consultation
  • 30 Minutes
  • Consultation covers the Nature and Extent of Conflict and Goals for all Parties Involved
  • No Obligation to Continue with VirNet Mediation
  • Discuss your Situation in Depth

Hourly Rate

for Hourly Rates and a Custom Estimate
  • Competitive Rates
  • Total Hours Depend on Nature and Extent of Conflict
  • Billing can be Divided
  • Convenient Scheduling
get a quote

Frequently Asked Questions - Pearl City Employment Mediation

What Does Mediation Look Like?

Mediation is a structured conversation and negotiation. The parties first meet separately with Dr. Earwicker. He explores each person's goals, ideals, and interests in detail. This helps structure mediation conversations. In some divorce mediations, parties opt to provide written position statements prior to the mediation, but that is not required. After meeting with the parties, Dr. Earwicker will schedule the mediation. Typically, the mediation occurs in separate rooms. In some cases (or upon request), Dr. Earwicker will bring the parties together in the same room, either virtually or in-person. In other cases, the parties will not meet face-to-face. Either way, Dr. Earwicker facilitates the discussion and structures the mediation to move the parties toward a negotiated solution. If the parties agree on one or more issues, Dr. Earwicker provides a written settlement agreement for the parties to review and sign. Any mediation agreement is completely voluntary and between the parties to the dispute.

Do I Have to See the Other Party Face-to-Face?

In any mediation, face-to-face contact is not required for a successful mediation. Sometimes it may be beneficial to convene a joint session with the parties all in one room (either virtually or in-person). At other times, depending on the nature of the conflict, face-to-face interaction may not be desirable or warranted. Ultimately, it is up to the parties to decide whether or not to meet face-to-face. This is true whether the mediation services are provided virtually or in-person.

Is Mediation Binding?

Unlike arbitration (where an arbitrator issues a binding decision on the facts of the case), mediation does not result in a binding decision by the mediator. The parties in a mediation are the ones who decide whether to agree on one or more issues. Only they can "bind" the other party through mutual agreement. In this way, a mediation settlement agreement between the parties can be binding as a contract between them. But the mediator's job is not to make a decision. Rather, the mediator facilitates discussions between the parties and helps them arrive at an agreed-upon solution.

Do I Need a Lawyer to Mediate?

Hiring an attorney is not a pre-requisite to mediation. At the same time, you are always welcome to hire an attorney who represents you and your interests in mediation. Keep in mind that the mediator is a neutral party and does not represent either party in the dispute. Thus, you may elect to seek out legal representation if you want someone who can represent you and your interests. Ultimately, though, the success of mediation depends on the parties' willingness to engage in good faith and work toward solutions. Hiring an attorney may or may not further those goals.

How Long Does Mediation Take?

The length of mediation depends on the number and complexity of issues mediated. Some mediations with fairly straightforward issues can be conducted in just a few hours. Most divorce mediations take between 10-15 hours to complete, including pre-mediation work with the parties, the mediation itself, and post-mediation settlement work. Some mediations with more complex issues, more than two parties, or other pending legal matters may take longer. On average, though, planning for 10 hours of mediation is a reasonable estimate.

Should I Just Mediate My Own Dispute to Save Time and Money?

Mediations are like any other professional service: it is in your best interest to contract with a trained and experienced mediator like Dr. Earwicker in order to navigate the complexities of negotiations and conflict resolution. There is great value in hiring a third-party neutral - the mediator - to assist with the process of conflict resolution. A trained, experienced mediator can skillfully navigate complex interpersonal, psychological, and transactional dynamics. A skilled neutral brings a fresh perspective and a dispassionate evaluation of the situation. This third-party view, especially when coupled with expertise and skill, is an invaluable part of the mediation process.

Is Virtual Mediation as Good as In-Person Mediation?

Advances in technology have made it possible to replicate the effectiveness of in-person mediation services in remote, online, and virtual formats. Some people prefer the in-person format because of the ability to be in the same room with the other party or parties to a dispute. This can be true for any type of dispute, from divorce mediations to contract negotiations and employment disputes. However, all of the dynamics of an effective mediation (including separate "caucuses" and joint "conferences") are easily replicated in virtual platforms. Virtual mediation can also save time and money, because there are no transportation costs, and parties in different locations do not have to negotiate the location of an in-person mediation. In short, virtual mediation can be just as effective as in-person mediation services. Live video streaming and other online technologies make virtual mediation just as effective as in-person counterparts.

Expert Honolulu Employment Mediation

Expert Honolulu Employment Mediation

Honolulu Employment Mediation

Employment and labor disputes are complicated.

Our Honolulu Employment Mediation Can Help

A diverse group of smiling professionals. Contact virtual mediation today to discuss and schedule confidential mediation services with Dr. Ben Earwicker, J.D., Ph.D.

For employees, conflict with coworkers, supervisors, or customers can affect performance, workplace satisfaction, and overall mental health.

For businesses, non-profit organizations, and government agencies, addressing liability and fighting lawsuits can drain scarce resources and directly impact financial solvency.

It can be difficult for owners, managers, supervisors, and human resources professionals to master overlapping and sometimes conflicting state and federal laws that apply to the workplace. City, county, and other municipal ordinances can further complicate workplace requirements and business, organizational, or agency policies and practices.

Resolving Conflict isn't Easy

As a supervisor, manager, or owner, have you tried unsuccessfully to resolve disputes in these and other workplace situations? Have you spent an extraordinary amount of time putting out fires and trying to deal with interpersonal conflicts, complaints, and litigation? Do you need support and expertise from a neutral third party skilled in negotiated settlements, conflict resolution, and dispute mediation?

As an employee, have you experienced conflict with coworkers, managers, supervisors, or business owners? Are you looking for a way to resolve the conflict without having to quit and start over somewhere else? Do you need someone outside of your organization to help resolve the dispute?

Our expert employment, labor, and workplace mediation services offer all this and more.

Conflict can develop in any area of business or agency operations:

  • Recruitment, hiring, and retention.
  • Training and promotional opportunities.
  • Efforts to boost productivity and efficiency.
  • Collective bargaining.
  • Workers compensation.
  • FMLA leave.
  • The interactive process and reasonable disability accommodations.
  • Title VII, ADA, ADEA, and state discrimination laws.
  • Religious accommodations and disputes between employees.
  • Discipline, demotion, suspension, termination.
  • Unemployment and unemployment insurance.
  • Civil lawsuits and administrative filings of discrimination.

In each of these areas, there is potential for misunderstanding, frustration, and conflict. If you’ve experienced conflict in any of these areas and have not been able to resolve the issues you are facing, contact us to learn how mediation can help. 

Mediation Can Help

A diverse group of smiling professionals. Contact virtual mediation today to discuss and schedule confidential mediation services with Dr. Ben Earwicker, J.D., Ph.D.

Here’s what you can expect with our employment mediation services:

  • Early consultation to understand the scope of the issues;
  • Development of an agenda and a step-by-step approach to addressing the conflict in mediation;
  • Confidential mediation sessions with impacted parties, with separate and/or joint sessions, depending on the nature of the conflict, the individuals involved, and confidentiality considerations;
  • Expert mediation facilitation with the goal of resolving each of the issues to the satisfaction of all parties involved;
  • Drafting of a written agreement between the parties for each of the issues resolved through mediation.

Contact us today to discuss your options for resolving workplace, labor, and employment conflicts with our expert Honolulu employment mediation.

Honolulu Employment Mediation

Our Solution for your Conflict Resolution

Dr. Earwicker's Mediation Services

Dr. Ben Earwicker provides expert mediation services, both online and remotely.

Meet the Expert

Dr. Ben Earwicker, M.Int.St., J.D., Ph.D., provides expert mediation & consulting to individuals, couples, businesses & organizations, drawing on his decades of experience with conflict resolution, mediation, employment law, education, and more. He has successfully mediated and adjudicated thousands of disputes through his national private practice and administration of a state-wide mediation and law enforcement agency, the Idaho Human Rights Commission.

Why Mediate with Dr. Earwicker?

Ben’s empathetic approach to conflict resolution ensures the best potential for reaching agreement and discovering a way through conflict. He knows how to navigate complex, technical, and emotionally-charged disputes in almost any context, from employment and labor disputes to family and divorce conflicts to contracts and corporate negotiations. Ben has helped many parties reach mutually-acceptable outcomes through his expert mediation and dispute resolution services.

Contact Dr. Earwicker today, and lean on Ben’s expertise to help resolve your conflict.

Your Conflict Resolution Solution

Conflict comes in all shapes and sizes. But at its core, all conflict represents a huge drain of time, money, energy, and other resources. And even though your instinct may be to fight it out, costly legal battles and unresolved conflict can drag on for years with no end in sight.

The cost of conflict is enormous.

Think about the cost of your conflict. Even though you might be on the right side of the situation, there’s no guarantee you can convince the other party of that. In fact, conflict tends to polarize positions and make things even worse over time. Fighting to win is exhausting, and it eventually takes its toll.  

That’s where my mediation and consulting can help.

Done right, mediation offers a fresh perspective from a neutral third-party. With mediation, you can finally find a way through your conflict with a skilled facilitator who knows how to assist in a productive negotiation and the conflict resolution process. 

Use my expertise to get “unstuck.”

There’s nothing worse than feeling stuck in a conflict you can’t escape. Even if you have the means to fight it out in court or see the conflict through to the bitter end, it’s rarely worth it.

I can help.

Talk with me today about how my mediation services can help you move more quickly through your conflict toward resolution and settlement. 

Put this conflict behind you, once and for all.

Employment & Labor Mediation in Hawaii

Employment mediation in Hawaii can help resolve any labor dispute

Sometimes, workplace interactions can take a turn for the worse. Whether you’re dealing with interpersonal conflict, personnel issues, contract and labor disputes, discrimination complaints, or any other employment issue, mediation can provide a way forward. The situation doesn’t have to keep escalating; you can work with a neutral, third-party mediator to help resolve the conflict and create a fresh start.

Employment & Labor Resources in Hawaii

As in other states, private and public employers in Hawaii are required to comply with both state and federal employment laws for everything from overtime pay to Family Medical Leave Act leave and disability accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act.  Employees and employers in the state have a number of resources for navigating issues in the workplace.

The Hawaii Department of Labor and Industrial Relations operates as the state equivalent of the U.S. Department of Labor (USDOL) that provides oversight of wage and hour issues. (To compare state and federal regulations, for example, you can view state policies on minimum wage and other workplace information on the USDOL site). The Department also provides economic data and resources to employers in the state. 

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), a federal agency, provides resources, information, and guidance to employers and employees in Hawaii. The EEOC also investigates and adjudicates discrimination complaints in the state. The Hawaii Civil Rights Commission operates in the state as a Fair Employment Practice Agency (FEPA). A state or local FEPA enforces state anti-discrimination laws and often has a workshare agreement in place with the federal EEOC so they can work together to process state and federal complaints at the same time.

Mediation Solutions in Hawaii

Whether you are an employee, manager, or employer, you can access the benefits of mediation. to resolve workplace conflict. Mediation can help you address any type of labor and employment dispute, at any stage of conflict. Contact us today to discuss our mediation services and how we can best meet your mediation needs.

How Much Will Mediation Cost?

Prices include all mediation services, from pre-convening consultation through post-mediation settlement work.

Initial Consultation

Free No Obligation Consultation
  • 30 Minutes
  • Consultation covers the Nature and Extent of Conflict and Goals for all Parties Involved
  • No Obligation to Continue with VirNet Mediation
  • Discuss your Situation in Depth

Hourly Rate

for Hourly Rates and a Custom Estimate
  • Competitive Rates
  • Total Hours Depend on Nature and Extent of Conflict
  • Billing can be Divided
  • Convenient Scheduling
get a quote

Frequently Asked Questions - Honolulu Employment Mediation

What Does Mediation Look Like?

Mediation is a structured conversation and negotiation. The parties first meet separately with Dr. Earwicker. He explores each person's goals, ideals, and interests in detail. This helps structure mediation conversations. In some divorce mediations, parties opt to provide written position statements prior to the mediation, but that is not required. After meeting with the parties, Dr. Earwicker will schedule the mediation. Typically, the mediation occurs in separate rooms. In some cases (or upon request), Dr. Earwicker will bring the parties together in the same room, either virtually or in-person. In other cases, the parties will not meet face-to-face. Either way, Dr. Earwicker facilitates the discussion and structures the mediation to move the parties toward a negotiated solution. If the parties agree on one or more issues, Dr. Earwicker provides a written settlement agreement for the parties to review and sign. Any mediation agreement is completely voluntary and between the parties to the dispute.

Do I Have to See the Other Party Face-to-Face?

In any mediation, face-to-face contact is not required for a successful mediation. Sometimes it may be beneficial to convene a joint session with the parties all in one room (either virtually or in-person). At other times, depending on the nature of the conflict, face-to-face interaction may not be desirable or warranted. Ultimately, it is up to the parties to decide whether or not to meet face-to-face. This is true whether the mediation services are provided virtually or in-person.

Is Mediation Binding?

Unlike arbitration (where an arbitrator issues a binding decision on the facts of the case), mediation does not result in a binding decision by the mediator. The parties in a mediation are the ones who decide whether to agree on one or more issues. Only they can "bind" the other party through mutual agreement. In this way, a mediation settlement agreement between the parties can be binding as a contract between them. But the mediator's job is not to make a decision. Rather, the mediator facilitates discussions between the parties and helps them arrive at an agreed-upon solution.

Do I Need a Lawyer to Mediate?

Hiring an attorney is not a pre-requisite to mediation. At the same time, you are always welcome to hire an attorney who represents you and your interests in mediation. Keep in mind that the mediator is a neutral party and does not represent either party in the dispute. Thus, you may elect to seek out legal representation if you want someone who can represent you and your interests. Ultimately, though, the success of mediation depends on the parties' willingness to engage in good faith and work toward solutions. Hiring an attorney may or may not further those goals.

How Long Does Mediation Take?

The length of mediation depends on the number and complexity of issues mediated. Some mediations with fairly straightforward issues can be conducted in just a few hours. Most divorce mediations take between 10-15 hours to complete, including pre-mediation work with the parties, the mediation itself, and post-mediation settlement work. Some mediations with more complex issues, more than two parties, or other pending legal matters may take longer. On average, though, planning for 10 hours of mediation is a reasonable estimate.

Should I Just Mediate My Own Dispute to Save Time and Money?

Mediations are like any other professional service: it is in your best interest to contract with a trained and experienced mediator like Dr. Earwicker in order to navigate the complexities of negotiations and conflict resolution. There is great value in hiring a third-party neutral - the mediator - to assist with the process of conflict resolution. A trained, experienced mediator can skillfully navigate complex interpersonal, psychological, and transactional dynamics. A skilled neutral brings a fresh perspective and a dispassionate evaluation of the situation. This third-party view, especially when coupled with expertise and skill, is an invaluable part of the mediation process.

Is Virtual Mediation as Good as In-Person Mediation?

Advances in technology have made it possible to replicate the effectiveness of in-person mediation services in remote, online, and virtual formats. Some people prefer the in-person format because of the ability to be in the same room with the other party or parties to a dispute. This can be true for any type of dispute, from divorce mediations to contract negotiations and employment disputes. However, all of the dynamics of an effective mediation (including separate "caucuses" and joint "conferences") are easily replicated in virtual platforms. Virtual mediation can also save time and money, because there are no transportation costs, and parties in different locations do not have to negotiate the location of an in-person mediation. In short, virtual mediation can be just as effective as in-person mediation services. Live video streaming and other online technologies make virtual mediation just as effective as in-person counterparts.

Expert Hilo Employment Mediation

Expert Hilo Employment Mediation

Hilo Employment Mediation

Employment and labor disputes are complicated.

Our Hilo Employment Mediation Can Help

A diverse group of smiling professionals. Contact virtual mediation today to discuss and schedule confidential mediation services with Dr. Ben Earwicker, J.D., Ph.D.

For employees, conflict with coworkers, supervisors, or customers can affect performance, workplace satisfaction, and overall mental health.

For businesses, non-profit organizations, and government agencies, addressing liability and fighting lawsuits can drain scarce resources and directly impact financial solvency.

It can be difficult for owners, managers, supervisors, and human resources professionals to master overlapping and sometimes conflicting state and federal laws that apply to the workplace. City, county, and other municipal ordinances can further complicate workplace requirements and business, organizational, or agency policies and practices.

Resolving Conflict isn't Easy

As a supervisor, manager, or owner, have you tried unsuccessfully to resolve disputes in these and other workplace situations? Have you spent an extraordinary amount of time putting out fires and trying to deal with interpersonal conflicts, complaints, and litigation? Do you need support and expertise from a neutral third party skilled in negotiated settlements, conflict resolution, and dispute mediation?

As an employee, have you experienced conflict with coworkers, managers, supervisors, or business owners? Are you looking for a way to resolve the conflict without having to quit and start over somewhere else? Do you need someone outside of your organization to help resolve the dispute?

Our expert employment, labor, and workplace mediation services offer all this and more.

Conflict can develop in any area of business or agency operations:

  • Recruitment, hiring, and retention.
  • Training and promotional opportunities.
  • Efforts to boost productivity and efficiency.
  • Collective bargaining.
  • Workers compensation.
  • FMLA leave.
  • The interactive process and reasonable disability accommodations.
  • Title VII, ADA, ADEA, and state discrimination laws.
  • Religious accommodations and disputes between employees.
  • Discipline, demotion, suspension, termination.
  • Unemployment and unemployment insurance.
  • Civil lawsuits and administrative filings of discrimination.

In each of these areas, there is potential for misunderstanding, frustration, and conflict. If you’ve experienced conflict in any of these areas and have not been able to resolve the issues you are facing, contact us to learn how mediation can help. 

Mediation Can Help

A diverse group of smiling professionals. Contact virtual mediation today to discuss and schedule confidential mediation services with Dr. Ben Earwicker, J.D., Ph.D.

Here’s what you can expect with our employment mediation services:

  • Early consultation to understand the scope of the issues;
  • Development of an agenda and a step-by-step approach to addressing the conflict in mediation;
  • Confidential mediation sessions with impacted parties, with separate and/or joint sessions, depending on the nature of the conflict, the individuals involved, and confidentiality considerations;
  • Expert mediation facilitation with the goal of resolving each of the issues to the satisfaction of all parties involved;
  • Drafting of a written agreement between the parties for each of the issues resolved through mediation.

Contact us today to discuss your options for resolving workplace, labor, and employment conflicts with our expert Hilo employment mediation.

Hilo Employment Mediation

Our Solution for your Conflict Resolution

Dr. Earwicker's Mediation Services

Dr. Ben Earwicker provides expert mediation services, both online and remotely.

Meet the Expert

Dr. Ben Earwicker, M.Int.St., J.D., Ph.D., provides expert mediation & consulting to individuals, couples, businesses & organizations, drawing on his decades of experience with conflict resolution, mediation, employment law, education, and more. He has successfully mediated and adjudicated thousands of disputes through his national private practice and administration of a state-wide mediation and law enforcement agency, the Idaho Human Rights Commission.

Why Mediate with Dr. Earwicker?

Ben’s empathetic approach to conflict resolution ensures the best potential for reaching agreement and discovering a way through conflict. He knows how to navigate complex, technical, and emotionally-charged disputes in almost any context, from employment and labor disputes to family and divorce conflicts to contracts and corporate negotiations. Ben has helped many parties reach mutually-acceptable outcomes through his expert mediation and dispute resolution services.

Contact Dr. Earwicker today, and lean on Ben’s expertise to help resolve your conflict.

Your Conflict Resolution Solution

Conflict comes in all shapes and sizes. But at its core, all conflict represents a huge drain of time, money, energy, and other resources. And even though your instinct may be to fight it out, costly legal battles and unresolved conflict can drag on for years with no end in sight.

The cost of conflict is enormous.

Think about the cost of your conflict. Even though you might be on the right side of the situation, there’s no guarantee you can convince the other party of that. In fact, conflict tends to polarize positions and make things even worse over time. Fighting to win is exhausting, and it eventually takes its toll.  

That’s where my mediation and consulting can help.

Done right, mediation offers a fresh perspective from a neutral third-party. With mediation, you can finally find a way through your conflict with a skilled facilitator who knows how to assist in a productive negotiation and the conflict resolution process. 

Use my expertise to get “unstuck.”

There’s nothing worse than feeling stuck in a conflict you can’t escape. Even if you have the means to fight it out in court or see the conflict through to the bitter end, it’s rarely worth it.

I can help.

Talk with me today about how my mediation services can help you move more quickly through your conflict toward resolution and settlement. 

Put this conflict behind you, once and for all.

Employment & Labor Mediation in Hawaii

Employment mediation in Hawaii can help resolve any labor dispute

Sometimes, workplace interactions can take a turn for the worse. Whether you’re dealing with interpersonal conflict, personnel issues, contract and labor disputes, discrimination complaints, or any other employment issue, mediation can provide a way forward. The situation doesn’t have to keep escalating; you can work with a neutral, third-party mediator to help resolve the conflict and create a fresh start.

Employment & Labor Resources in Hawaii

As in other states, private and public employers in Hawaii are required to comply with both state and federal employment laws for everything from overtime pay to Family Medical Leave Act leave and disability accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act.  Employees and employers in the state have a number of resources for navigating issues in the workplace.

The Hawaii Department of Labor and Industrial Relations operates as the state equivalent of the U.S. Department of Labor (USDOL) that provides oversight of wage and hour issues. (To compare state and federal regulations, for example, you can view state policies on minimum wage and other workplace information on the USDOL site). The Department also provides economic data and resources to employers in the state. 

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), a federal agency, provides resources, information, and guidance to employers and employees in Hawaii. The EEOC also investigates and adjudicates discrimination complaints in the state. The Hawaii Civil Rights Commission operates in the state as a Fair Employment Practice Agency (FEPA). A state or local FEPA enforces state anti-discrimination laws and often has a workshare agreement in place with the federal EEOC so they can work together to process state and federal complaints at the same time.

Mediation Solutions in Hawaii

Whether you are an employee, manager, or employer, you can access the benefits of mediation. to resolve workplace conflict. Mediation can help you address any type of labor and employment dispute, at any stage of conflict. Contact us today to discuss our mediation services and how we can best meet your mediation needs.

How Much Will Mediation Cost?

Prices include all mediation services, from pre-convening consultation through post-mediation settlement work.

Initial Consultation

Free No Obligation Consultation
  • 30 Minutes
  • Consultation covers the Nature and Extent of Conflict and Goals for all Parties Involved
  • No Obligation to Continue with VirNet Mediation
  • Discuss your Situation in Depth

Hourly Rate

for Hourly Rates and a Custom Estimate
  • Competitive Rates
  • Total Hours Depend on Nature and Extent of Conflict
  • Billing can be Divided
  • Convenient Scheduling
get a quote

Frequently Asked Questions - Hilo Employment Mediation

What Does Mediation Look Like?

Mediation is a structured conversation and negotiation. The parties first meet separately with Dr. Earwicker. He explores each person's goals, ideals, and interests in detail. This helps structure mediation conversations. In some divorce mediations, parties opt to provide written position statements prior to the mediation, but that is not required. After meeting with the parties, Dr. Earwicker will schedule the mediation. Typically, the mediation occurs in separate rooms. In some cases (or upon request), Dr. Earwicker will bring the parties together in the same room, either virtually or in-person. In other cases, the parties will not meet face-to-face. Either way, Dr. Earwicker facilitates the discussion and structures the mediation to move the parties toward a negotiated solution. If the parties agree on one or more issues, Dr. Earwicker provides a written settlement agreement for the parties to review and sign. Any mediation agreement is completely voluntary and between the parties to the dispute.

Do I Have to See the Other Party Face-to-Face?

In any mediation, face-to-face contact is not required for a successful mediation. Sometimes it may be beneficial to convene a joint session with the parties all in one room (either virtually or in-person). At other times, depending on the nature of the conflict, face-to-face interaction may not be desirable or warranted. Ultimately, it is up to the parties to decide whether or not to meet face-to-face. This is true whether the mediation services are provided virtually or in-person.

Is Mediation Binding?

Unlike arbitration (where an arbitrator issues a binding decision on the facts of the case), mediation does not result in a binding decision by the mediator. The parties in a mediation are the ones who decide whether to agree on one or more issues. Only they can "bind" the other party through mutual agreement. In this way, a mediation settlement agreement between the parties can be binding as a contract between them. But the mediator's job is not to make a decision. Rather, the mediator facilitates discussions between the parties and helps them arrive at an agreed-upon solution.

Do I Need a Lawyer to Mediate?

Hiring an attorney is not a pre-requisite to mediation. At the same time, you are always welcome to hire an attorney who represents you and your interests in mediation. Keep in mind that the mediator is a neutral party and does not represent either party in the dispute. Thus, you may elect to seek out legal representation if you want someone who can represent you and your interests. Ultimately, though, the success of mediation depends on the parties' willingness to engage in good faith and work toward solutions. Hiring an attorney may or may not further those goals.

How Long Does Mediation Take?

The length of mediation depends on the number and complexity of issues mediated. Some mediations with fairly straightforward issues can be conducted in just a few hours. Most divorce mediations take between 10-15 hours to complete, including pre-mediation work with the parties, the mediation itself, and post-mediation settlement work. Some mediations with more complex issues, more than two parties, or other pending legal matters may take longer. On average, though, planning for 10 hours of mediation is a reasonable estimate.

Should I Just Mediate My Own Dispute to Save Time and Money?

Mediations are like any other professional service: it is in your best interest to contract with a trained and experienced mediator like Dr. Earwicker in order to navigate the complexities of negotiations and conflict resolution. There is great value in hiring a third-party neutral - the mediator - to assist with the process of conflict resolution. A trained, experienced mediator can skillfully navigate complex interpersonal, psychological, and transactional dynamics. A skilled neutral brings a fresh perspective and a dispassionate evaluation of the situation. This third-party view, especially when coupled with expertise and skill, is an invaluable part of the mediation process.

Is Virtual Mediation as Good as In-Person Mediation?

Advances in technology have made it possible to replicate the effectiveness of in-person mediation services in remote, online, and virtual formats. Some people prefer the in-person format because of the ability to be in the same room with the other party or parties to a dispute. This can be true for any type of dispute, from divorce mediations to contract negotiations and employment disputes. However, all of the dynamics of an effective mediation (including separate "caucuses" and joint "conferences") are easily replicated in virtual platforms. Virtual mediation can also save time and money, because there are no transportation costs, and parties in different locations do not have to negotiate the location of an in-person mediation. In short, virtual mediation can be just as effective as in-person mediation services. Live video streaming and other online technologies make virtual mediation just as effective as in-person counterparts.

Expert Hawaii Employment Mediation

Expert Hawaii Employment Mediation

Hawaii Employment Mediation

Employment and labor disputes are complicated.

Our Hawaii Employment Mediation Can Help

A diverse group of smiling professionals. Contact virtual mediation today to discuss and schedule confidential mediation services with Dr. Ben Earwicker, J.D., Ph.D.

For employees, conflict with coworkers, supervisors, or customers can affect performance, workplace satisfaction, and overall mental health.

For businesses, non-profit organizations, and government agencies, addressing liability and fighting lawsuits can drain scarce resources and directly impact financial solvency.

It can be difficult for owners, managers, supervisors, and human resources professionals to master overlapping and sometimes conflicting state and federal laws that apply to the workplace. City, county, and other municipal ordinances can further complicate workplace requirements and business, organizational, or agency policies and practices.

Resolving Conflict isn't Easy

As a supervisor, manager, or owner, have you tried unsuccessfully to resolve disputes in these and other workplace situations? Have you spent an extraordinary amount of time putting out fires and trying to deal with interpersonal conflicts, complaints, and litigation? Do you need support and expertise from a neutral third party skilled in negotiated settlements, conflict resolution, and dispute mediation?

As an employee, have you experienced conflict with coworkers, managers, supervisors, or business owners? Are you looking for a way to resolve the conflict without having to quit and start over somewhere else? Do you need someone outside of your organization to help resolve the dispute?

Our expert employment, labor, and workplace mediation services offer all this and more.

Conflict can develop in any area of business or agency operations:

  • Recruitment, hiring, and retention.
  • Training and promotional opportunities.
  • Efforts to boost productivity and efficiency.
  • Collective bargaining.
  • Workers compensation.
  • FMLA leave.
  • The interactive process and reasonable disability accommodations.
  • Title VII, ADA, ADEA, and state discrimination laws.
  • Religious accommodations and disputes between employees.
  • Discipline, demotion, suspension, termination.
  • Unemployment and unemployment insurance.
  • Civil lawsuits and administrative filings of discrimination.

In each of these areas, there is potential for misunderstanding, frustration, and conflict. If you’ve experienced conflict in any of these areas and have not been able to resolve the issues you are facing, contact us to learn how mediation can help. 

Mediation Can Help

A diverse group of smiling professionals. Contact virtual mediation today to discuss and schedule confidential mediation services with Dr. Ben Earwicker, J.D., Ph.D.

Here’s what you can expect with our employment mediation services:

  • Early consultation to understand the scope of the issues;
  • Development of an agenda and a step-by-step approach to addressing the conflict in mediation;
  • Confidential mediation sessions with impacted parties, with separate and/or joint sessions, depending on the nature of the conflict, the individuals involved, and confidentiality considerations;
  • Expert mediation facilitation with the goal of resolving each of the issues to the satisfaction of all parties involved;
  • Drafting of a written agreement between the parties for each of the issues resolved through mediation.

Contact us today to discuss your options for resolving workplace, labor, and employment conflicts with our expert Hawaii employment mediation.

Hawaii Employment Mediation

Our Solution for your Conflict Resolution

Dr. Earwicker's Mediation Services

Dr. Ben Earwicker provides expert mediation services, both online and remotely.

Meet the Expert

Dr. Ben Earwicker, M.Int.St., J.D., Ph.D., provides expert mediation & consulting to individuals, couples, businesses & organizations, drawing on his decades of experience with conflict resolution, mediation, employment law, education, and more. He has successfully mediated and adjudicated thousands of disputes through his national private practice and administration of a state-wide mediation and law enforcement agency, the Idaho Human Rights Commission.

Why Mediate with Dr. Earwicker?

Ben’s empathetic approach to conflict resolution ensures the best potential for reaching agreement and discovering a way through conflict. He knows how to navigate complex, technical, and emotionally-charged disputes in almost any context, from employment and labor disputes to family and divorce conflicts to contracts and corporate negotiations. Ben has helped many parties reach mutually-acceptable outcomes through his expert mediation and dispute resolution services.

Contact Dr. Earwicker today, and lean on Ben’s expertise to help resolve your conflict.

Your Conflict Resolution Solution

Conflict comes in all shapes and sizes. But at its core, all conflict represents a huge drain of time, money, energy, and other resources. And even though your instinct may be to fight it out, costly legal battles and unresolved conflict can drag on for years with no end in sight.

The cost of conflict is enormous.

Think about the cost of your conflict. Even though you might be on the right side of the situation, there’s no guarantee you can convince the other party of that. In fact, conflict tends to polarize positions and make things even worse over time. Fighting to win is exhausting, and it eventually takes its toll.  

That’s where my mediation and consulting can help.

Done right, mediation offers a fresh perspective from a neutral third-party. With mediation, you can finally find a way through your conflict with a skilled facilitator who knows how to assist in a productive negotiation and the conflict resolution process. 

Use my expertise to get “unstuck.”

There’s nothing worse than feeling stuck in a conflict you can’t escape. Even if you have the means to fight it out in court or see the conflict through to the bitter end, it’s rarely worth it.

I can help.

Talk with me today about how my mediation services can help you move more quickly through your conflict toward resolution and settlement. 

Put this conflict behind you, once and for all.

Employment & Labor Mediation in Hawaii

Employment mediation in Hawaii can help resolve any labor dispute

Sometimes, workplace interactions can take a turn for the worse. Whether you’re dealing with interpersonal conflict, personnel issues, contract and labor disputes, discrimination complaints, or any other employment issue, mediation can provide a way forward. The situation doesn’t have to keep escalating; you can work with a neutral, third-party mediator to help resolve the conflict and create a fresh start.

Employment & Labor Resources in Hawaii

As in other states, private and public employers in Hawaii are required to comply with both state and federal employment laws for everything from overtime pay to Family Medical Leave Act leave and disability accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act.  Employees and employers in the state have a number of resources for navigating issues in the workplace.

The Hawaii Department of Labor and Industrial Relations operates as the state equivalent of the U.S. Department of Labor (USDOL) that provides oversight of wage and hour issues. (To compare state and federal regulations, for example, you can view state policies on minimum wage and other workplace information on the USDOL site). The Department also provides economic data and resources to employers in the state. 

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), a federal agency, provides resources, information, and guidance to employers and employees in Hawaii. The EEOC also investigates and adjudicates discrimination complaints in the state. The Hawaii Civil Rights Commission operates in the state as a Fair Employment Practice Agency (FEPA). A state or local FEPA enforces state anti-discrimination laws and often has a workshare agreement in place with the federal EEOC so they can work together to process state and federal complaints at the same time.

Mediation Solutions in Hawaii

Whether you are an employee, manager, or employer, you can access the benefits of mediation. to resolve workplace conflict. Mediation can help you address any type of labor and employment dispute, at any stage of conflict. Contact us today to discuss our mediation services and how we can best meet your mediation needs.

How Much Will Mediation Cost?

Prices include all mediation services, from pre-convening consultation through post-mediation settlement work.

Initial Consultation

Free No Obligation Consultation
  • 30 Minutes
  • Consultation covers the Nature and Extent of Conflict and Goals for all Parties Involved
  • No Obligation to Continue with VirNet Mediation
  • Discuss your Situation in Depth

Hourly Rate

for Hourly Rates and a Custom Estimate
  • Competitive Rates
  • Total Hours Depend on Nature and Extent of Conflict
  • Billing can be Divided
  • Convenient Scheduling
get a quote

Frequently Asked Questions - Hawaii Employment Mediation

What Does Mediation Look Like?

Mediation is a structured conversation and negotiation. The parties first meet separately with Dr. Earwicker. He explores each person's goals, ideals, and interests in detail. This helps structure mediation conversations. In some divorce mediations, parties opt to provide written position statements prior to the mediation, but that is not required. After meeting with the parties, Dr. Earwicker will schedule the mediation. Typically, the mediation occurs in separate rooms. In some cases (or upon request), Dr. Earwicker will bring the parties together in the same room, either virtually or in-person. In other cases, the parties will not meet face-to-face. Either way, Dr. Earwicker facilitates the discussion and structures the mediation to move the parties toward a negotiated solution. If the parties agree on one or more issues, Dr. Earwicker provides a written settlement agreement for the parties to review and sign. Any mediation agreement is completely voluntary and between the parties to the dispute.

Do I Have to See the Other Party Face-to-Face?

In any mediation, face-to-face contact is not required for a successful mediation. Sometimes it may be beneficial to convene a joint session with the parties all in one room (either virtually or in-person). At other times, depending on the nature of the conflict, face-to-face interaction may not be desirable or warranted. Ultimately, it is up to the parties to decide whether or not to meet face-to-face. This is true whether the mediation services are provided virtually or in-person.

Is Mediation Binding?

Unlike arbitration (where an arbitrator issues a binding decision on the facts of the case), mediation does not result in a binding decision by the mediator. The parties in a mediation are the ones who decide whether to agree on one or more issues. Only they can "bind" the other party through mutual agreement. In this way, a mediation settlement agreement between the parties can be binding as a contract between them. But the mediator's job is not to make a decision. Rather, the mediator facilitates discussions between the parties and helps them arrive at an agreed-upon solution.

Do I Need a Lawyer to Mediate?

Hiring an attorney is not a pre-requisite to mediation. At the same time, you are always welcome to hire an attorney who represents you and your interests in mediation. Keep in mind that the mediator is a neutral party and does not represent either party in the dispute. Thus, you may elect to seek out legal representation if you want someone who can represent you and your interests. Ultimately, though, the success of mediation depends on the parties' willingness to engage in good faith and work toward solutions. Hiring an attorney may or may not further those goals.

How Long Does Mediation Take?

The length of mediation depends on the number and complexity of issues mediated. Some mediations with fairly straightforward issues can be conducted in just a few hours. Most divorce mediations take between 10-15 hours to complete, including pre-mediation work with the parties, the mediation itself, and post-mediation settlement work. Some mediations with more complex issues, more than two parties, or other pending legal matters may take longer. On average, though, planning for 10 hours of mediation is a reasonable estimate.

Should I Just Mediate My Own Dispute to Save Time and Money?

Mediations are like any other professional service: it is in your best interest to contract with a trained and experienced mediator like Dr. Earwicker in order to navigate the complexities of negotiations and conflict resolution. There is great value in hiring a third-party neutral - the mediator - to assist with the process of conflict resolution. A trained, experienced mediator can skillfully navigate complex interpersonal, psychological, and transactional dynamics. A skilled neutral brings a fresh perspective and a dispassionate evaluation of the situation. This third-party view, especially when coupled with expertise and skill, is an invaluable part of the mediation process.

Is Virtual Mediation as Good as In-Person Mediation?

Advances in technology have made it possible to replicate the effectiveness of in-person mediation services in remote, online, and virtual formats. Some people prefer the in-person format because of the ability to be in the same room with the other party or parties to a dispute. This can be true for any type of dispute, from divorce mediations to contract negotiations and employment disputes. However, all of the dynamics of an effective mediation (including separate "caucuses" and joint "conferences") are easily replicated in virtual platforms. Virtual mediation can also save time and money, because there are no transportation costs, and parties in different locations do not have to negotiate the location of an in-person mediation. In short, virtual mediation can be just as effective as in-person mediation services. Live video streaming and other online technologies make virtual mediation just as effective as in-person counterparts.

Expert Pearl City Mediation

Expert Pearl City Mediation

Pearl City Mediation

Dr. Earwicker's Mediation Services

Dr. Ben Earwicker provides expert mediation services, both online and remotely.

Meet the Expert

Dr. Ben Earwicker, M.Int.St., J.D., Ph.D., provides expert mediation & consulting to individuals, couples, businesses & organizations, drawing on his decades of experience with conflict resolution, mediation, employment law, education, and more. He has successfully mediated and adjudicated thousands of disputes through his national private practice and administration of a state-wide mediation and law enforcement agency, the Idaho Human Rights Commission.

Why Mediate with Dr. Earwicker?

Ben’s empathetic approach to conflict resolution ensures the best potential for reaching agreement and discovering a way through conflict. He knows how to navigate complex, technical, and emotionally-charged disputes in almost any context, from employment and labor disputes to family and divorce conflicts to contracts and corporate negotiations. Ben has helped many parties reach mutually-acceptable outcomes through his expert mediation and dispute resolution services.

Contact Dr. Earwicker today, and lean on Ben’s expertise to help resolve your conflict.

Your Conflict Resolution Solution

Conflict comes in all shapes and sizes. But at its core, all conflict represents a huge drain of time, money, energy, and other resources. And even though your instinct may be to fight it out, costly legal battles and unresolved conflict can drag on for years with no end in sight.

The cost of conflict is enormous.

Think about the cost of your conflict. Even though you might be on the right side of the situation, there’s no guarantee you can convince the other party of that. In fact, conflict tends to polarize positions and make things even worse over time. Fighting to win is exhausting, and it eventually takes its toll.  

That’s where my mediation and consulting can help.

Done right, mediation offers a fresh perspective from a neutral third-party. With mediation, you can finally find a way through your conflict with a skilled facilitator who knows how to assist in a productive negotiation and the conflict resolution process. 

Use my expertise to get “unstuck.”

There’s nothing worse than feeling stuck in a conflict you can’t escape. Even if you have the means to fight it out in court or see the conflict through to the bitter end, it’s rarely worth it.

I can help.

Talk with me today about how my mediation services can help you move more quickly through your conflict toward resolution and settlement. 

Put this conflict behind you, once and for all.

Pearl City Mediation

Our Solution for your Conflict Resolution

Our Pearl City mediation can save you time and money.

Mediation can be an effective, cost-saving way to resolve any type of conflict or dispute. Avoid protracted litigation and expensive legal battles with skilled mediation services. No matter how complicated the situation, mediation can help you find a way forward through conflict.

Mediation is a structured negotiation, facilitated by our skilled mediator. Through a series of conversations, conferencing, and strategic sessions, our mediator guides the parties involved in conflict through a process of purposeful discussion and negotiation.

Done right, mediation can break through impasse and generate momentum toward resolution and a negotiated settlement agreement.

Mediation is often the best way to amicably resolve conflict.

We all deal with conflict we didn’t ask for or deserve. And the instinct to push back and fight is a natural response. No one wins in a long, drawn-out conflict, though. And fighting on principle can be an enormous wast of time, money, and other limited resources.

Sometimes it’s best to take a step back and approach the situation differently. Mediation can help.

Professional mediation can help structure a negotiated solution to your conflict. And an experienced mediator can help the parties approach the conflict differently, moving everyone toward ultimate resolution.

Don’t let conflict take up any more of your time and resources. 

Contact us today to discuss our solution for your conflict resolution: Pearl City Mediation.

Mediation in Hawaii

There are no state or federal certification requirements for mediation in Hawaii. That means that mediators can provide mediation outside of the courts with little or no experience. That’s why you want an experienced, credentialed mediator to help guide your mediation.

Court-ordered mediation, however, does have certain requirements, which you can see in the Hawaii State Judiciary’s Alternative Dispute Resolution page. Hawaii’s Center for Alternative Dispute Resolution dates to 1985 and provides a range of mediation and ADR options within the judicial system.

The Center has provided mediation and alternative dispute resolution for more than 35 years. You can read about the Hawaii Center’s mission and educational programs, as well as excellent information and resources about mediation in Hawaii courts.

Ultimately, when choosing a mediator, you want to evaluate the mediator’s experience, credentials, and areas of expertise to make sure there is a good fit with you and the conflict you are trying to resolve. Contact us today to discuss our mediation services and how we can best meet your mediation needs.

How Much Will Mediation Cost?

Prices include all mediation services, from pre-convening consultation through post-mediation settlement work.

Initial Consultation

Free No Obligation Consultation
  • 30 Minutes
  • Consultation covers the Nature and Extent of Conflict and Goals for all Parties Involved
  • No Obligation to Continue with VirNet Mediation
  • Discuss your Situation in Depth

Hourly Rate

for Hourly Rates and a Custom Estimate
  • Competitive Rates
  • Total Hours Depend on Nature and Extent of Conflict
  • Billing can be Divided
  • Convenient Scheduling
get a quote

Frequently Asked Questions - Pearl City Mediation

What Does Mediation Look Like?

Mediation is a structured conversation and negotiation. The parties first meet separately with Dr. Earwicker. He explores each person's goals, ideals, and interests in detail. This helps structure mediation conversations. In some divorce mediations, parties opt to provide written position statements prior to the mediation, but that is not required. After meeting with the parties, Dr. Earwicker will schedule the mediation. Typically, the mediation occurs in separate rooms. In some cases (or upon request), Dr. Earwicker will bring the parties together in the same room, either virtually or in-person. In other cases, the parties will not meet face-to-face. Either way, Dr. Earwicker facilitates the discussion and structures the mediation to move the parties toward a negotiated solution. If the parties agree on one or more issues, Dr. Earwicker provides a written settlement agreement for the parties to review and sign. Any mediation agreement is completely voluntary and between the parties to the dispute.

Do I Have to See the Other Party Face-to-Face?

In any mediation, face-to-face contact is not required for a successful mediation. Sometimes it may be beneficial to convene a joint session with the parties all in one room (either virtually or in-person). At other times, depending on the nature of the conflict, face-to-face interaction may not be desirable or warranted. Ultimately, it is up to the parties to decide whether or not to meet face-to-face. This is true whether the mediation services are provided virtually or in-person.

Is Mediation Binding?

Unlike arbitration (where an arbitrator issues a binding decision on the facts of the case), mediation does not result in a binding decision by the mediator. The parties in a mediation are the ones who decide whether to agree on one or more issues. Only they can "bind" the other party through mutual agreement. In this way, a mediation settlement agreement between the parties can be binding as a contract between them. But the mediator's job is not to make a decision. Rather, the mediator facilitates discussions between the parties and helps them arrive at an agreed-upon solution.

Do I Need a Lawyer to Mediate?

Hiring an attorney is not a pre-requisite to mediation. At the same time, you are always welcome to hire an attorney who represents you and your interests in mediation. Keep in mind that the mediator is a neutral party and does not represent either party in the dispute. Thus, you may elect to seek out legal representation if you want someone who can represent you and your interests. Ultimately, though, the success of mediation depends on the parties' willingness to engage in good faith and work toward solutions. Hiring an attorney may or may not further those goals.

How Long Does Mediation Take?

The length of mediation depends on the number and complexity of issues mediated. Some mediations with fairly straightforward issues can be conducted in just a few hours. Most divorce mediations take between 10-15 hours to complete, including pre-mediation work with the parties, the mediation itself, and post-mediation settlement work. Some mediations with more complex issues, more than two parties, or other pending legal matters may take longer. On average, though, planning for 10 hours of mediation is a reasonable estimate.

Should I Just Mediate My Own Dispute to Save Time and Money?

Mediations are like any other professional service: it is in your best interest to contract with a trained and experienced mediator like Dr. Earwicker in order to navigate the complexities of negotiations and conflict resolution. There is great value in hiring a third-party neutral - the mediator - to assist with the process of conflict resolution. A trained, experienced mediator can skillfully navigate complex interpersonal, psychological, and transactional dynamics. A skilled neutral brings a fresh perspective and a dispassionate evaluation of the situation. This third-party view, especially when coupled with expertise and skill, is an invaluable part of the mediation process.

Is Virtual Mediation as Good as In-Person Mediation?

Advances in technology have made it possible to replicate the effectiveness of in-person mediation services in remote, online, and virtual formats. Some people prefer the in-person format because of the ability to be in the same room with the other party or parties to a dispute. This can be true for any type of dispute, from divorce mediations to contract negotiations and employment disputes. However, all of the dynamics of an effective mediation (including separate "caucuses" and joint "conferences") are easily replicated in virtual platforms. Virtual mediation can also save time and money, because there are no transportation costs, and parties in different locations do not have to negotiate the location of an in-person mediation. In short, virtual mediation can be just as effective as in-person mediation services. Live video streaming and other online technologies make virtual mediation just as effective as in-person counterparts.

Expert Honolulu Mediation

Expert Honolulu Mediation

Honolulu Mediation

Dr. Earwicker's Mediation Services

Dr. Ben Earwicker provides expert mediation services, both online and remotely.

Meet the Expert

Dr. Ben Earwicker, M.Int.St., J.D., Ph.D., provides expert mediation & consulting to individuals, couples, businesses & organizations, drawing on his decades of experience with conflict resolution, mediation, employment law, education, and more. He has successfully mediated and adjudicated thousands of disputes through his national private practice and administration of a state-wide mediation and law enforcement agency, the Idaho Human Rights Commission.

Why Mediate with Dr. Earwicker?

Ben’s empathetic approach to conflict resolution ensures the best potential for reaching agreement and discovering a way through conflict. He knows how to navigate complex, technical, and emotionally-charged disputes in almost any context, from employment and labor disputes to family and divorce conflicts to contracts and corporate negotiations. Ben has helped many parties reach mutually-acceptable outcomes through his expert mediation and dispute resolution services.

Contact Dr. Earwicker today, and lean on Ben’s expertise to help resolve your conflict.

Your Conflict Resolution Solution

Conflict comes in all shapes and sizes. But at its core, all conflict represents a huge drain of time, money, energy, and other resources. And even though your instinct may be to fight it out, costly legal battles and unresolved conflict can drag on for years with no end in sight.

The cost of conflict is enormous.

Think about the cost of your conflict. Even though you might be on the right side of the situation, there’s no guarantee you can convince the other party of that. In fact, conflict tends to polarize positions and make things even worse over time. Fighting to win is exhausting, and it eventually takes its toll.  

That’s where my mediation and consulting can help.

Done right, mediation offers a fresh perspective from a neutral third-party. With mediation, you can finally find a way through your conflict with a skilled facilitator who knows how to assist in a productive negotiation and the conflict resolution process. 

Use my expertise to get “unstuck.”

There’s nothing worse than feeling stuck in a conflict you can’t escape. Even if you have the means to fight it out in court or see the conflict through to the bitter end, it’s rarely worth it.

I can help.

Talk with me today about how my mediation services can help you move more quickly through your conflict toward resolution and settlement. 

Put this conflict behind you, once and for all.

Honolulu Mediation

Our Solution for your Conflict Resolution

Our Honolulu mediation can save you time and money.

Mediation can be an effective, cost-saving way to resolve any type of conflict or dispute. Avoid protracted litigation and expensive legal battles with skilled mediation services. No matter how complicated the situation, mediation can help you find a way forward through conflict.

Mediation is a structured negotiation, facilitated by our skilled mediator. Through a series of conversations, conferencing, and strategic sessions, our mediator guides the parties involved in conflict through a process of purposeful discussion and negotiation.

Done right, mediation can break through impasse and generate momentum toward resolution and a negotiated settlement agreement.

Mediation is often the best way to amicably resolve conflict.

We all deal with conflict we didn’t ask for or deserve. And the instinct to push back and fight is a natural response. No one wins in a long, drawn-out conflict, though. And fighting on principle can be an enormous wast of time, money, and other limited resources.

Sometimes it’s best to take a step back and approach the situation differently. Mediation can help.

Professional mediation can help structure a negotiated solution to your conflict. And an experienced mediator can help the parties approach the conflict differently, moving everyone toward ultimate resolution.

Don’t let conflict take up any more of your time and resources. 

Contact us today to discuss our solution for your conflict resolution: Honolulu Mediation.

Mediation in Hawaii

There are no state or federal certification requirements for mediation in Hawaii. That means that mediators can provide mediation outside of the courts with little or no experience. That’s why you want an experienced, credentialed mediator to help guide your mediation.

Court-ordered mediation, however, does have certain requirements, which you can see in the Hawaii State Judiciary’s Alternative Dispute Resolution page. Hawaii’s Center for Alternative Dispute Resolution dates to 1985 and provides a range of mediation and ADR options within the judicial system.

The Center has provided mediation and alternative dispute resolution for more than 35 years. You can read about the Hawaii Center’s mission and educational programs, as well as excellent information and resources about mediation in Hawaii courts.

Ultimately, when choosing a mediator, you want to evaluate the mediator’s experience, credentials, and areas of expertise to make sure there is a good fit with you and the conflict you are trying to resolve. Contact us today to discuss our mediation services and how we can best meet your mediation needs.

How Much Will Mediation Cost?

Prices include all mediation services, from pre-convening consultation through post-mediation settlement work.

Initial Consultation

Free No Obligation Consultation
  • 30 Minutes
  • Consultation covers the Nature and Extent of Conflict and Goals for all Parties Involved
  • No Obligation to Continue with VirNet Mediation
  • Discuss your Situation in Depth

Hourly Rate

for Hourly Rates and a Custom Estimate
  • Competitive Rates
  • Total Hours Depend on Nature and Extent of Conflict
  • Billing can be Divided
  • Convenient Scheduling
get a quote

Frequently Asked Questions - Honolulu Mediation

What Does Mediation Look Like?

Mediation is a structured conversation and negotiation. The parties first meet separately with Dr. Earwicker. He explores each person's goals, ideals, and interests in detail. This helps structure mediation conversations. In some divorce mediations, parties opt to provide written position statements prior to the mediation, but that is not required. After meeting with the parties, Dr. Earwicker will schedule the mediation. Typically, the mediation occurs in separate rooms. In some cases (or upon request), Dr. Earwicker will bring the parties together in the same room, either virtually or in-person. In other cases, the parties will not meet face-to-face. Either way, Dr. Earwicker facilitates the discussion and structures the mediation to move the parties toward a negotiated solution. If the parties agree on one or more issues, Dr. Earwicker provides a written settlement agreement for the parties to review and sign. Any mediation agreement is completely voluntary and between the parties to the dispute.

Do I Have to See the Other Party Face-to-Face?

In any mediation, face-to-face contact is not required for a successful mediation. Sometimes it may be beneficial to convene a joint session with the parties all in one room (either virtually or in-person). At other times, depending on the nature of the conflict, face-to-face interaction may not be desirable or warranted. Ultimately, it is up to the parties to decide whether or not to meet face-to-face. This is true whether the mediation services are provided virtually or in-person.

Is Mediation Binding?

Unlike arbitration (where an arbitrator issues a binding decision on the facts of the case), mediation does not result in a binding decision by the mediator. The parties in a mediation are the ones who decide whether to agree on one or more issues. Only they can "bind" the other party through mutual agreement. In this way, a mediation settlement agreement between the parties can be binding as a contract between them. But the mediator's job is not to make a decision. Rather, the mediator facilitates discussions between the parties and helps them arrive at an agreed-upon solution.

Do I Need a Lawyer to Mediate?

Hiring an attorney is not a pre-requisite to mediation. At the same time, you are always welcome to hire an attorney who represents you and your interests in mediation. Keep in mind that the mediator is a neutral party and does not represent either party in the dispute. Thus, you may elect to seek out legal representation if you want someone who can represent you and your interests. Ultimately, though, the success of mediation depends on the parties' willingness to engage in good faith and work toward solutions. Hiring an attorney may or may not further those goals.

How Long Does Mediation Take?

The length of mediation depends on the number and complexity of issues mediated. Some mediations with fairly straightforward issues can be conducted in just a few hours. Most divorce mediations take between 10-15 hours to complete, including pre-mediation work with the parties, the mediation itself, and post-mediation settlement work. Some mediations with more complex issues, more than two parties, or other pending legal matters may take longer. On average, though, planning for 10 hours of mediation is a reasonable estimate.

Should I Just Mediate My Own Dispute to Save Time and Money?

Mediations are like any other professional service: it is in your best interest to contract with a trained and experienced mediator like Dr. Earwicker in order to navigate the complexities of negotiations and conflict resolution. There is great value in hiring a third-party neutral - the mediator - to assist with the process of conflict resolution. A trained, experienced mediator can skillfully navigate complex interpersonal, psychological, and transactional dynamics. A skilled neutral brings a fresh perspective and a dispassionate evaluation of the situation. This third-party view, especially when coupled with expertise and skill, is an invaluable part of the mediation process.

Is Virtual Mediation as Good as In-Person Mediation?

Advances in technology have made it possible to replicate the effectiveness of in-person mediation services in remote, online, and virtual formats. Some people prefer the in-person format because of the ability to be in the same room with the other party or parties to a dispute. This can be true for any type of dispute, from divorce mediations to contract negotiations and employment disputes. However, all of the dynamics of an effective mediation (including separate "caucuses" and joint "conferences") are easily replicated in virtual platforms. Virtual mediation can also save time and money, because there are no transportation costs, and parties in different locations do not have to negotiate the location of an in-person mediation. In short, virtual mediation can be just as effective as in-person mediation services. Live video streaming and other online technologies make virtual mediation just as effective as in-person counterparts.

Expert Hilo Mediation

Expert Hilo Mediation

Hilo Mediation

Dr. Earwicker's Mediation Services

Dr. Ben Earwicker provides expert mediation services, both online and remotely.

Meet the Expert

Dr. Ben Earwicker, M.Int.St., J.D., Ph.D., provides expert mediation & consulting to individuals, couples, businesses & organizations, drawing on his decades of experience with conflict resolution, mediation, employment law, education, and more. He has successfully mediated and adjudicated thousands of disputes through his national private practice and administration of a state-wide mediation and law enforcement agency, the Idaho Human Rights Commission.

Why Mediate with Dr. Earwicker?

Ben’s empathetic approach to conflict resolution ensures the best potential for reaching agreement and discovering a way through conflict. He knows how to navigate complex, technical, and emotionally-charged disputes in almost any context, from employment and labor disputes to family and divorce conflicts to contracts and corporate negotiations. Ben has helped many parties reach mutually-acceptable outcomes through his expert mediation and dispute resolution services.

Contact Dr. Earwicker today, and lean on Ben’s expertise to help resolve your conflict.

Your Conflict Resolution Solution

Conflict comes in all shapes and sizes. But at its core, all conflict represents a huge drain of time, money, energy, and other resources. And even though your instinct may be to fight it out, costly legal battles and unresolved conflict can drag on for years with no end in sight.

The cost of conflict is enormous.

Think about the cost of your conflict. Even though you might be on the right side of the situation, there’s no guarantee you can convince the other party of that. In fact, conflict tends to polarize positions and make things even worse over time. Fighting to win is exhausting, and it eventually takes its toll.  

That’s where my mediation and consulting can help.

Done right, mediation offers a fresh perspective from a neutral third-party. With mediation, you can finally find a way through your conflict with a skilled facilitator who knows how to assist in a productive negotiation and the conflict resolution process. 

Use my expertise to get “unstuck.”

There’s nothing worse than feeling stuck in a conflict you can’t escape. Even if you have the means to fight it out in court or see the conflict through to the bitter end, it’s rarely worth it.

I can help.

Talk with me today about how my mediation services can help you move more quickly through your conflict toward resolution and settlement. 

Put this conflict behind you, once and for all.

Hilo Mediation

Our Solution for your Conflict Resolution

Our Hilo mediation can save you time and money.

Mediation can be an effective, cost-saving way to resolve any type of conflict or dispute. Avoid protracted litigation and expensive legal battles with skilled mediation services. No matter how complicated the situation, mediation can help you find a way forward through conflict.

Mediation is a structured negotiation, facilitated by our skilled mediator. Through a series of conversations, conferencing, and strategic sessions, our mediator guides the parties involved in conflict through a process of purposeful discussion and negotiation.

Done right, mediation can break through impasse and generate momentum toward resolution and a negotiated settlement agreement.

Mediation is often the best way to amicably resolve conflict.

We all deal with conflict we didn’t ask for or deserve. And the instinct to push back and fight is a natural response. No one wins in a long, drawn-out conflict, though. And fighting on principle can be an enormous wast of time, money, and other limited resources.

Sometimes it’s best to take a step back and approach the situation differently. Mediation can help.

Professional mediation can help structure a negotiated solution to your conflict. And an experienced mediator can help the parties approach the conflict differently, moving everyone toward ultimate resolution.

Don’t let conflict take up any more of your time and resources. 

Contact us today to discuss our solution for your conflict resolution: Hilo Mediation.

Mediation in Hawaii

There are no state or federal certification requirements for mediation in Hawaii. That means that mediators can provide mediation outside of the courts with little or no experience. That’s why you want an experienced, credentialed mediator to help guide your mediation.

Court-ordered mediation, however, does have certain requirements, which you can see in the Hawaii State Judiciary’s Alternative Dispute Resolution page. Hawaii’s Center for Alternative Dispute Resolution dates to 1985 and provides a range of mediation and ADR options within the judicial system.

The Center has provided mediation and alternative dispute resolution for more than 35 years. You can read about the Hawaii Center’s mission and educational programs, as well as excellent information and resources about mediation in Hawaii courts.

Ultimately, when choosing a mediator, you want to evaluate the mediator’s experience, credentials, and areas of expertise to make sure there is a good fit with you and the conflict you are trying to resolve. Contact us today to discuss our mediation services and how we can best meet your mediation needs.

How Much Will Mediation Cost?

Prices include all mediation services, from pre-convening consultation through post-mediation settlement work.

Initial Consultation

Free No Obligation Consultation
  • 30 Minutes
  • Consultation covers the Nature and Extent of Conflict and Goals for all Parties Involved
  • No Obligation to Continue with VirNet Mediation
  • Discuss your Situation in Depth

Hourly Rate

for Hourly Rates and a Custom Estimate
  • Competitive Rates
  • Total Hours Depend on Nature and Extent of Conflict
  • Billing can be Divided
  • Convenient Scheduling
get a quote

Frequently Asked Questions - Hilo Mediation

What Does Mediation Look Like?

Mediation is a structured conversation and negotiation. The parties first meet separately with Dr. Earwicker. He explores each person's goals, ideals, and interests in detail. This helps structure mediation conversations. In some divorce mediations, parties opt to provide written position statements prior to the mediation, but that is not required. After meeting with the parties, Dr. Earwicker will schedule the mediation. Typically, the mediation occurs in separate rooms. In some cases (or upon request), Dr. Earwicker will bring the parties together in the same room, either virtually or in-person. In other cases, the parties will not meet face-to-face. Either way, Dr. Earwicker facilitates the discussion and structures the mediation to move the parties toward a negotiated solution. If the parties agree on one or more issues, Dr. Earwicker provides a written settlement agreement for the parties to review and sign. Any mediation agreement is completely voluntary and between the parties to the dispute.

Do I Have to See the Other Party Face-to-Face?

In any mediation, face-to-face contact is not required for a successful mediation. Sometimes it may be beneficial to convene a joint session with the parties all in one room (either virtually or in-person). At other times, depending on the nature of the conflict, face-to-face interaction may not be desirable or warranted. Ultimately, it is up to the parties to decide whether or not to meet face-to-face. This is true whether the mediation services are provided virtually or in-person.

Is Mediation Binding?

Unlike arbitration (where an arbitrator issues a binding decision on the facts of the case), mediation does not result in a binding decision by the mediator. The parties in a mediation are the ones who decide whether to agree on one or more issues. Only they can "bind" the other party through mutual agreement. In this way, a mediation settlement agreement between the parties can be binding as a contract between them. But the mediator's job is not to make a decision. Rather, the mediator facilitates discussions between the parties and helps them arrive at an agreed-upon solution.

Do I Need a Lawyer to Mediate?

Hiring an attorney is not a pre-requisite to mediation. At the same time, you are always welcome to hire an attorney who represents you and your interests in mediation. Keep in mind that the mediator is a neutral party and does not represent either party in the dispute. Thus, you may elect to seek out legal representation if you want someone who can represent you and your interests. Ultimately, though, the success of mediation depends on the parties' willingness to engage in good faith and work toward solutions. Hiring an attorney may or may not further those goals.

How Long Does Mediation Take?

The length of mediation depends on the number and complexity of issues mediated. Some mediations with fairly straightforward issues can be conducted in just a few hours. Most divorce mediations take between 10-15 hours to complete, including pre-mediation work with the parties, the mediation itself, and post-mediation settlement work. Some mediations with more complex issues, more than two parties, or other pending legal matters may take longer. On average, though, planning for 10 hours of mediation is a reasonable estimate.

Should I Just Mediate My Own Dispute to Save Time and Money?

Mediations are like any other professional service: it is in your best interest to contract with a trained and experienced mediator like Dr. Earwicker in order to navigate the complexities of negotiations and conflict resolution. There is great value in hiring a third-party neutral - the mediator - to assist with the process of conflict resolution. A trained, experienced mediator can skillfully navigate complex interpersonal, psychological, and transactional dynamics. A skilled neutral brings a fresh perspective and a dispassionate evaluation of the situation. This third-party view, especially when coupled with expertise and skill, is an invaluable part of the mediation process.

Is Virtual Mediation as Good as In-Person Mediation?

Advances in technology have made it possible to replicate the effectiveness of in-person mediation services in remote, online, and virtual formats. Some people prefer the in-person format because of the ability to be in the same room with the other party or parties to a dispute. This can be true for any type of dispute, from divorce mediations to contract negotiations and employment disputes. However, all of the dynamics of an effective mediation (including separate "caucuses" and joint "conferences") are easily replicated in virtual platforms. Virtual mediation can also save time and money, because there are no transportation costs, and parties in different locations do not have to negotiate the location of an in-person mediation. In short, virtual mediation can be just as effective as in-person mediation services. Live video streaming and other online technologies make virtual mediation just as effective as in-person counterparts.

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